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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Income guidelines for Montgomery County’s Working Parents Assistance (WPA) program, part of the Department of Health and Human Services, have been increased so more families are eligible for the program.  The Working Parents Assistance Program has been helping eligible families for more than 30 years to pay for child care costs. 

Child care is a major expense for families living in Montgomery County, costing an average of $17,500 per year for full-time infant care.  The WPA program provides subsidies to help eligible single and two-parent families pay for licensed child care. 

To qualify, all applicants must work and/or attend school at least 25 hours per week and meet current income requirements.  To be eligible for the program, single parents are required to pursue child support payments.           

The new income guidelines are as follows:

Family Size                            Maximum Income
2                                              $54,483
3                                              $68,782
4                                              $83,081
5                                              $97,380

            6                                             $111,679

7                                            $125,979

8 or more                                          $140,278

Applicants with incomes below the minimum income for WPA will be forwarded an application for the Maryland Child Care Scholarship Program.

ore information, including applications to download, are at or call 240-777-1155.

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Contact:  Mary Anderson, 240-777-6534


Release ID: 19-119
Media Contact: Mary Anderson 240-777-6534