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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Friday, April 12, 2019

Residents and groups are invited to provide input into the County’s next six-year capital construction budget by attending public forums that will be held in April and May by local citizen advisory boards.  The forums will help define construction and planning priorities for the various regions in the County as officials develop the Fiscal Years 2021 to 2026 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) budget. 

The following links provide more information:

Open Budget (Montgomery County’s interactive open data budget websites covering departments, agencies, projects and more)

Office of Management and Budget Publications:

The CIP includes costs for new, or renovated, major projects such as roads; public schools and Montgomery College facilities; water and sewer lines; parks, libraries, health and recreation facilities; and other public buildings and projects.

The schedule for forums in each regional area is listed below:

Suggestions and comments from participants will be considered by the regional citizen advisory boards for inclusion in the funding priority lists they submit to the County Executive.  The lists will also be shared with County departments and agencies for consideration as they formulate the CIP for their departments.

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Release ID: 19-123
Media Contact: Ohene Gyapong 240-777-6507