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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Friday, June 28, 2019

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich wants residents to know the County has launched an online survey to gauge residents’ assessment of their local government, its services and their quality of life. The 2019 Resident Survey was mailed to 5,000 randomly selected County households in the first week of June, and residents who did not receive the questionnaire in the mail are invited and encouraged to participate online at

The online survey for all residents will be open for a three-week period, from June 28 to July 19 and can be taken in English, Spanish, or Chinese. Households who received the randomly selected mailed survey, but have not yet completed and returned it, are asked to use their mailed survey not the link above.

“From the very beginning of my administration I have emphasized inclusivity,” said Elrich. “From my Transition Team to budget forums to the Community Forum on Policing earlier this month, engaging Montgomery County residents and getting their input has been a priority for me. The 2019 Resident Survey is everyone’s opportunity to share their opinions with County Government on the services we provide and the quality of life here. In addition to our biannual random sample survey, visiting the survey website will allow any resident to add their voice. Please take the survey online between June 28th and July 19th.  We plan to use this information to evaluate how we are doing, understand what is important to you, and what we may be able to do to make Montgomery County even better.”

To generate an unbiased sample, the survey was sent to 5,000 randomly selected households with instructions in English, Spanish and Chinese, plus abbreviated guidance in French, Amharic, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Persian and Russian. Should a recipient wish to take the survey online, she or he may do so in English, Spanish, or Chinese. Adding an “opt-in” survey for all County residents provides an opportunity for everyone to voice their opinions and produces additional data for separate analysis.

The 39-question survey asks residents age 18 or older to rate how they feel about the quality of life; County services; use of existing amenities and facilities; whether they take advantage of County programs; their impression of County employees; how well the County communicates with its residents; and various household practices such as recycling. This biannual survey was last conducted by the County in 2017.

The survey is again being conducted by the National Research Center (NRC), based in Boulder, Colorado. The County conducted surveys, with NRC, in 2007 and 2009 but discontinued the practice afterward due to budget considerations, reinitiating the practice in 2017.

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Release ID: 19-227
Media Contact: Public Information Office 240-777-6507