For Immediate Release: Monday, August 12, 2019

MCDOT is proud to support Safe + Sound Week, a campaign of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Running August 12-18, Safe and Sound Week is a nationwide event held each August to recognize the successes of workplace safety and health programs and offers information and ideas on how to keep America's workers safe.
In just a few examples of safety measures implemented in and out of the workplace, MCDOT:
- Emphasizes safety training and retraining for new and veteran vehicle operators alike.
- Follows a work zone policy to provide maintenance of traffic (MOT) plans for the safe management of traffic during construction activities on all Montgomery County maintained roadways. During our reviews, we assess, identify and understand the implications of the construction project activities, safety, and the mobility impacts on our road users. These reviews help us to make the right decisions to maximize the safety of road users and construction workers and minimize impacts to the community and business owners.
- Ensures that appropriate temporary traffic control devices, per MDOT SHA standards, are properly utilized in work zones on all Montgomery County maintained roadways.
- Uses Variable Message Signs or Portable Changeable Message Signs to alert motorists of changes in traffic control or conditions along a roadway.--Considers the provision of adequate and safe pedestrian access in the work zone vicinity and monitors the temporary pedestrian treatments to ensure that no sidewalk is closed 24/7 without adequate justification or the provision of an adequate, alternative pedestrian pathway.
- Equips County vehicles with flashing warning lights to enhance vehicle visibility and provides retro-reflective safety garments to employees working along roadways for employee safety.
- Installs HAWK beacons and pedestrian signals at intersections to alert pedestrians when it is safe to cross the road and when light is about to change.
- Installs accessible, countdown pedestrian signals that provide audible information alerting pedestrians that it is safe to cross a roadway and the remaining available time to do so.
Release ID: 19-131
Media Contact: Maureen McNulty 240-777-7199