For Immediate Release: Monday, September 30, 2019
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich is holding the first of five budget forums on Monday, Oct. 7, to seek input from residents about Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) Operating Budget priorities. The forum will begin at 7 p.m. at the Wheaton Library and Community Recreation Center at 11701 Georgia Ave in Wheaton.
“When I first took office in December 2018, the budget process for Fiscal Year 2019 was well underway,” said County Executive Elrich. “However, I have pledged that my administration would be looking at government and the priorities of our residents in new ways. This all starts with the budget and the best way residents can have impact on the budget is to let us know what is important to them. I invite them to come to our budget forums and let us hear their thoughts.”
Additional FY21 Operating Budget forums are scheduled as follows:
The County Executive will announce his Recommended FY21 Operating Budget on March 16.
The County Council approves the operating budget at the end of May. Sign language interpreter services will be provided only upon request with notice as far in advance as possible, but no less than 72 hours prior to the event. If these or other services or aids are needed to participate in this activity, call 240-777-6507, Maryland Relay 711 or email a request to [email protected].
Join Montgomery County’s conversation about the FY21 Operating Budget on social media and help raise awareness by using #MoCoBudget21.
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Release ID: 19-323