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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Monday, December 16, 2019

Tonight, Monday Dec. 16 at 7 p.m.

Silver Spring Civic Building

Buffalo Soldiers Great Hall

1 Veterans Place

Silver Spring, MD 20910

Silver Spring, Md., Dec. 16, 2019—The Maryland Department of Transportation has proposed amendments to the controversial $11 billion I-495 Beltway/I-270 widening project. If passed, the amendments would allow the state to take properties before environmental review; backtrack on the promise to share revenue for transit; change the project phasing and expedite the construction schedule. 

Montgomery County Council President Sidney Katz and Vice President Tom Hucker have called an emergency rally to speak out against the negative impact the amendments would have. The rally will be held this evening, Monday, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. at the Silver Spring Civic Building’s Buffalo Soldiers Great Hall

“We must make it clear to the State that we will not stand idly by while they backtrack on promises they made. The negative environmental impact of this project must be properly assessed and mitigated and the cost sharing agreements cannot be unilaterally changed. These amendments and this approach is just plain unacceptable,” said Council President Sidney Katz.

Council Vice President Tom Hucker said, “Vast public concern over the project this summer resulted in much-needed scrutiny and important protections for taxpayers. MDOT’s reckless amendments would further erode the public’s trust, and only increase opposition. We continue to hope that MDOT will change its perspective, and start collaborating with local governments.” 

The following elected officials and representatives from organizations are expected to participate in the rally including:

  • Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich
  • Montgomery County Councilmembers Gabe Albornoz, Evan Glass & Will Jawando
  • Congressman Jamie Raskin
  • Congressman Anthony Brown
  • State Delegate Jared Solomon
  • Frederick County Councilmember Kai Hagen
  • College Park Mayor Patrick Wojahn
  • Greenbelt Mayor Emmett Jordan
  • Action Committee for Transit
  • Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church, Environmental Justice Ministry
  • Citizens Against Beltway Expansion
  • Coalition for Smarter Growth
  • DoTheMostGood
  • Friends of Sligo Creek
  • Maryland Sierra Club
  • Maryland Transit Opportunities Coalition
  • Our Revolution Maryland
  • Rock Creek Conservancy
  • Sligo Creek Golf Course

For more information, contact [email protected] or call 240-777-7960.

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Release ID: 19-397
Media Contact: Dave Kunes 240-777-7960