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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Friday, January 17, 2020

postcardIn early January, Montgomery County mailed a five-question broadband survey on yellow postcards to approximately 32,000 residents and businesses in the Agricultural Reserve and nearby properties.  The purpose of the survey is to identify homes and residents that do not have broadband service, that have poor-quality broadband service, or that are interested in better service. 

In order for the County to be able to compile information and use in the upcoming ReConnect federal broadband grant application, the County is asking everyone who received the survey to complete and return the questionnaire by Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2020. 

The County will combine survey responses and use the information to apply for federal grants to provide better broadband in the Agriculture Reserve.  The County will not disclose personally identifiable information nor otherwise make individual responses publicly available. 

For more information, or if you have questions about the survey, please call 240-777-2928 or email [email protected]

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Release ID: 20-020
Media Contact: Mitsuko Herrera 240-777-2928