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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Friday, July 17, 2020

The following Committees will meet virtually on Monday, July 20. Council staff reports and additional information on items scheduled for Committee review can be viewed at:

The Committee meeting schedule may change from time to time. The current Committee agendas can be viewed at:

On the guidance of Health Officer and Chief of Public Health Services Dr. Travis Gayles, there is currently no public access to the Council Office Building. The virtual Council meeting will be streamed live on the Council’s web page via YouTube (MoCoCouncilMD) and on Facebook Live (MontgomeryCountyMdCouncil) and can be watched on County Cable Montgomery on channels 30 (Fios), 1056 (RCN) and 996 (Xfinity).

Meeting: Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO) Committee
Time: 9:30 a.m.
GO Committee: Councilmembers Nancy Navarro (Chair), Andrew Friedson and Council President Sidney Katz
Resolution to authorize Montgomery County to procure lines of credit to provide funds for payment of operating expenses

The GO Committee will review a resolution to authorize Montgomery County to procure lines of credit to provide funds for payment of operating expenses. The County Executive is requesting that the Council authorize the Department of Finance to procure up to $300 million in lines of credit to cover operating expenses. These lines of credit will provide additional coverage should the timing of certain tax receipts not align with the ongoing operational expenses of the County in fiscal year 2021. The individuals expected to participate in the meeting include the following: Michael Coveyou, director, Department of Finance (Finance); Jacqueline Carter, Finance; Karen Hawkins, Finance; Rich Madaleno, director, Office of Management and Budget; Marc Hansen, Office of the County Attorney; and Paul Shelton, bond counsel to the County Government.

The Council staff report can be viewed here.

Expedited Bill 30-20, Administration - Executive Branch - Chief Digital Officer

The GO Committee also will review Expedited Bill 30-20, which would transfer the chief digital officer from the Office of the County Executive to the Department of Technology Services. The Chief Digital Officer would be a non-merit position that reports directly to the Director of the Department of Technology Services. Council President Sidney Katz is the lead sponsor, at the request of the County Executive. Fariba Kassiri, deputy chief administrative officer and Gail Roper, chief information officer, Department of Technology Services are expected to provide information at the meeting.

The Council staff report can be viewed here.

Resolution to place an amendment to Section 305 of the County Charter on the 2020 general election ballot

The GO Committee will review a resolution (Proposed Charter Amendment – Property Tax Limit – Limit Tax Rate Increases), which was introduced on July 14 by Lead Sponsors Councilmember Friedson, Council President Katz, and Councilmember Navarro and Cosponsors Councilmembers Albornoz, Rice and Riemer. The resolution is tentatively scheduled for a public hearing on July 21 and a final Council vote on July 28. The Charter amendment proposed under the resolution would prevent the Council from setting an average weighted property tax rate on real property that exceeds the rate of the prior year, unless all current Councilmembers affirmatively vote for the increase. The Committee members will review this proposal and discuss two others focused on amending Section 305 of the Charter.

More information can be found in the Council staff report here.

Meeting: Transportation and Environment (T&E) Committee
Time: 2:30 p.m.
T&E Committee: Council Vice President Tom Hucker (Chair) and Councilmembers Evan Glass and Hans Riemer

I-495 and I-270 Managed Lanes Study, Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The T&E Committee will review the I-495 and I-270 Managed Lanes Study’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). The T&E Committee Chair Tom Hucker requested that Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) staff present an overview of the DEIS prior to the state’s public hearings, which will be held in August and early September. The DEIS includes traffic, environmental, engineering, and financial analyses of the Build Alternatives and the No Build Alternative. This DEIS provides an opportunity for the public, interest groups and other agencies to review and provide comment on the proposed federal action and the adverse and beneficial environmental impacts and proposed mitigation for unavoidable impacts. The individuals expected to participate in the T&E Committee meeting include the following: Casey Anderson, chair, Planning Board; Christopher Conklin, director, Montgomery County Department of Transportation; Shawn Eum, government liaison and communications director, MDOT; Lisa Choplin, director, I-495 & I-270 P3 Office, MDOT; Jeff Folden, deputy director, I-495 & I-270 P3 Office, MDOT; and Caryn Brookman, environmental manager for the I-495 & I-270 Managed Lanes Study.

The Council staff report can be viewed here.

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Release ID: 20-309
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926, Juan Jovel 240-777-7931