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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Thursday, September 10, 2020

WHAT: Virtual town hall meeting 


·         Councilmember Will Jawando

·         Elaine Bonner-Tompkins, Senior Legislative Analyst, Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO)

·         Rashawn Ray, Rubinstein Fellow in Governance Studies, Brookings Institution

·         Natalia Carrizosa, Legislative Analyst, OLO

·         Danielle Blocker, President, Young People for Progress

WHERE: Live streaming on Councilmember Jawando’s facebook page

WHEN: Today at 7 p.m.

TOPIC: Councilmember Will Jawando will host a town hall meeting on the topic of reimaging policing in Montgomery County with leading experts on good governance and police reform. The town hall will include discussion of OLO Report 2020-9, Local Policing Data and Best Practices, which was published on July 21. This report describes the Montgomery County Police Department’s practices for compiling data on police interactions with the public, and their alignment with best practices to advance constitutional and community policing.

“This is a time when, as a nation and in local jurisdictions, we are reimagining what true public safety looks like,” said Councilmember Jawando. “This reimaging comes in light of high-profile incidences of police violence against Black people and in light of recent incidents in Montgomery County in which race has played a factor in policing outcomes. The Council is committed, using the best available data and in coordination with residents, community stakeholders, our police and our County’s social services, to move towards a model of public safety that emphasizes justice, equity, cultural proficiency and positive community engagement.”

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Release ID: 20-361
Media Contact: Cecily Thorne 240-777-7972