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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Montgomery County Council will conduct public hearings on the following special appropriations on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. The deadline to sign-up is Nov. 16 at 5 p.m.:

Special appropriation to the FY21 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) Non-Departmental Account (NDA), Restaurant Relief Grant Program, $8,230,497 (Source of Funds: State grant) and Amendment to the FY21 Operating Budget Resolution 19-472, Section G, Designation of Entities for Non-Competitive Contract Award Status: MCEDC.

Special Appropriation to the County Government’s FY21 Operating Budget, - $35,636,325 for Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund NDA (Source of Funds: Federal Grants) and Amendment to Resolution 19-498, Special Appropriation to the County Government’s FY20 Operating Budget, Federal Coronavirus Relief Fund NDA.

Also, the Montgomery County Council will conduct public hearings on the following special appropriations on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. The deadline to sign-up is Nov. 30 at 5 p.m.:

Special Appropriation to the FY21 Capital Budget and Amendment to the FY21-26 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) - MCPS - Major Capital Projects - Elementary (South Lake Elementary School) - $5,853,000. Source of Funds: General Obligation Bonds.

Special Appropriation to the FY21 Capital Budget and Amendment to the FY21-26 CIP - MCPS - $3,000,000 for HVAC (Mechanical Systems) Replacement: MCPS. Source of Funds: Recordation Tax.

Documents and information are available at

NOTE: During the Covid-19 state of emergency, the public is not able to be physically present in the Council Hearing Room. Residents who would like to call in to testify at a Council public hearing need to preregister on the Council's web page at . Once the public hearing sign up request form is submitted and the public hearing list is created, individuals will receive separate confirmation notifications that include the appropriate phone number to call for the public hearing.

Community members also have the option to provide audio, video and written testimony to the Council using a recently developed online testimony form on the Council's web page which can be found at The testimony provided with the online option carries the same weight as testimony given at a public hearing. Councilmembers consider all comments as part of their deliberations.

Comments and suggestions are welcome online at; via email at [email protected]; by sending regular mail to County Council, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850. For information or to express an opinion call 240-777-7900.

The meeting will be televised live by County Cable Montgomery (CCM) on Xfinity channels 6 and 996, RCN channels 6 and 1056; and FiOS channel 30. Also available live via streaming through the Council website at, Facebook Live (@MontgomeryCountyMdCouncil or @ConcejodelCondadodeMontgomery), or YouTube (@MoCoCouncilMD).

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Release ID: 20-447
Media Contact: Anne Brown 240-777-7925