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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Thursday, February 25, 2021

The Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs is honoring dozens of Montgomery County Vietnam War and Vietnam Era veterans with detailed tributes displayed on a special website created by the commission.

The tribute honors the veterans leading up to National Vietnam War Veterans Day, which is observed every year on March 29. The special day recognizes U.S. Armed Forces and Uniformed Services personnel with active duty service between Nov. 1, 1955 and May 15, 1975, regardless of location of service.

The Montgomery Commission on Veterans Affairs website includes photos, military histories and later personal updates of Vietnam veterans who are either originally from the County or who lived in Montgomery after their service. The site can be viewed at

“A special day has been created to honor the veterans who served in Vietnam and during the Vietnam era,” said Wayne Miller, a Vietnam veteran who now chairs the County Commission on Veterans Affairs. “However, the people who served in that difficult period of our nation’s history should be honored every day. This website enables people of our current generation to learn more about the Americans who served during the Vietnam War. The website provides details on how the war influenced the rest of their lives. It also pays tribute to those who gave their lives when asked to serve their country.”

According to the latest available U.S. Census Bureau estimates, there are 36,264 County residents who are veterans. Of that number, 10,467 are Vietnam War or Era veterans.

Records show that 130 County residents were killed in Vietnam and their names are on the County's Vietnam Memorial Wall, which was dedicated in 2018 on Memorial Plaza adjacent to the Executive Office Building in Rockville. A video summary of the memorial dedication can be viewed at

The Vietnam Veterans site also provides access the County’s tribute to “Fallen Heroes.” That site pays tribute to the County’s fallen service members who died in service to the country since World War I. The records show the men and women honored as enlisting, being originally from or having at one time lived in Montgomery County. That site can be accessed directly at

Anyone who would like to share their story or the story of a friend or family member for the website tribute can e-mail [email protected] and provide the following information: 

  • Servicemember or veteran's name.
  • Your name (if submitting on behalf of a servicemember or veteran) and your relationship to the individual.
  • Branch of service and rank.
  • Years of service.
  • Brief narrative of their service.
  • Live in or once lived in Montgomery County. If you attended high school here, name school from where you graduated.
  • Photo(s) (preferably one during service time and one present day).

By sending an e-mail with this information, the sender agrees to have the information shared on the County's website and on the Commission on Veterans Affairs social media.  Submissions may be edited to conform to Montgomery County Government standards.

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich’s thoughts on helping veterans can be found at

To learn more about the Montgomery Commission on Veterans Affairs, go to

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Release ID: 21-135
Media Contact: Neil H. Greenberger 240-205-1915
Categories: Volunteer