For Immediate Release: Friday, April 2, 2021

On March 30, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) presented a webinar that explained the free and low-cost transportation programs available to Montgomery County residents. In the webinar ‘Montgomery County on the Move’, MCDOT provided detailed information on services that support residents who may experience transportation challenges related to physical disabilities, financial barriers, or with few transportation choices.
This webinar is a part of a series of virtual trainings sponsored by the Montgomery County Food Council, to share information, best practices, and resources to assist those engaged in the COVID-19 food security response. The Montgomery County Food Council is a nonprofit organization that serves as the primary connection point for businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and residents around food system issues in our County. They bring together over 2,000 local and regional partners by leading community-wide education, advocacy, and capacity building initiatives, all within the framework of addressing food justice.
The webinar can be viewed online.
MCDOT discussed the following services and programs available to residents:
- Connect-A-Ride - Provides free information about transportation programs and resources available for older adults and people with disabilities, including programs for lower-income individuals such as Call-N-Ride and MetroAccess. Call 301-738-3252 or visit the website for more information.
- Call-n-Ride - Offers discounted on-demand taxi service aimed to improve mobility for low-income adults 65 and older and persons with disabilities, 18 years or older. Learn more.
- Same Day Access - An ADA/Paratransit discounted on-demand taxi service for certified Montgomery County MetroAccess participants. Learn more.
- Kids Ride Free - All Montgomery County youth ages 18 and under ride free all the time on Ride On buses, Ride On extRa, Flash service and most Metrobuses in Montgomery County. Learn more at
- Fixed Route Transportation - Free Ride On, Ride On extRa and Flash service and Metrobus routes in Montgomery County Mon-Fri 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Available to County residents age 65+ and to individuals with disabilities. Learn More.
- Capital Bikeshare For All - A free, one-year Capital Bikeshare membership to qualified individuals who live or work in Montgomery County. Membership includes unlimited 60-minute bike rides and a free helmet. Learn more.
- E-scooter Vendor programs
- Bike Match MoCo - A free service to individuals that live or work in the County that connects people with extra, unused bicycles to donate with those who could use a bicycle to commute or run errands. Visit the program website to donate a bike.
- Medicaid Transportation - A state-supported program that provides transportation to medical services for County Medicaid clients, with no other means of transportation or whose medical or physical needs prevent them from using such available transportation. Options include taxicabs, wheelchair vans, non-emergency ambulance, and Aero Transport vendors. Learn more.
Since the webinar, MCDOT announced that free service will continue for all Ride On, Ride On extRa, and Flash buses at least through June 30.
For questions, contact Commuter Services at [email protected] or call 240-777-8380 and for questions about Ride On, call 311 or from outside the County at 240-777-0311.
For updates, follow Ride On @rideonmct on Twitter, Instagram , Facebook and YouTube, and Commuter Services @mococommuter on Twitter and Instagram. Visit the department’s website at, subscribe to MCDOT news releases or subscribe to MCDOT’s ‘Go Montgomery!’ newsletter.
Release ID: 21-039
Media Contact: Hannah Henn 240-777-8389