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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Monday, June 7, 2021

ROCKVILLE, Md., June 7, 2021—The fifth meeting of the Commission on Redistricting will take place via Zoom on Wednesday, June 9 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. and will be livestreamed on the Montgomery County Council's Facebook page.

The Commission on Redistricting was established after the confirmation of 11 appointed members by the Council on Jan. 26. In the 2020 general election, the Montgomery County Charter was amended by the voters to require the County to be divided into seven Council districts to elect seven district and four at-large members of the Council. The Charter required that the Council appoint a Commission on Redistricting composed of 11 registered voters who reside in the County.

At the last meeting, the Commission received a presentation on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) redistricting tool created by the Planning Department to assist the Commission in drawing seven Council districts.

The fifth meeting of the Commission on Redistricting will begin with greetings by Commission Chair Mariana Cordier and will be followed by approval of the meeting minutes. Then, the meeting will continue with a discussion of observations on the use of the redistricting tool by commissioners, followed by a discussion of ground rules for establishing district boundaries and rules for commissioners attending community meetings and gatherings as guests. The Commission will decide on uniform guidelines for how commissioners must address the public in the future when discussing their work on the Commission.

The group will then discuss a tentative schedule to receive input from the public. Commissioner Samuel Statland has volunteered to assist with coordinating engagement efforts between County residents and the Commission. The meeting will end with some closing remarks.

The members of the Commission on Redistricting are as follows: Imad Aldean Ahmad, Laura Ard, Mariana Cordier, Keshia Desir, Arthur Edmunds, Valerie Ervin, Bruce Goldensohn, Jason Makstein, Nilmini Rubin, Samuel Statland, and David Stein.

Residents can view the meeting on the Council's Facebook page (@MontgomeryCountyMdCouncil).

The full agenda for this meeting can be viewed here.

Meeting minutes for this meeting will be available here at a later date.


Release ID: 21-246
Media Contact: Pamela Dunn 240-777-7940