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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Monday, December 27, 2021

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich today announced that the County has started conducting its biennial online survey of County residents. The survey is available on the County website and is designed to get residents’ assessment of the local government, its services and their quality of life. The survey will be open until 11:59 p.m. on Jan. 17.

The survey is available here.

“I encourage all residents of Montgomery County to take this survey," said County Executive Elrich. "We want to ensure that the feedback we get is inclusive and reflects the County’s diversity and we want everyone to have an opportunity to share their opinions with County Government on the services we provide. The pandemic required us to make some significant changes to the way we deliver some services. This survey is one way for us to assess how we are doing, what people think of the changes we made, and identify areas for improvement.”

The 39-question survey asks residents age 18 or older to rate how they feel about the quality of life, County services, use of existing amenities and facilities, whether they take advantage of County programs, their impression of County employees, how well the County communicates with its residents, and various household practices such as recycling. It is recommended that respondents use a browser other than Internet Explorer to minimize problems accessing the survey.

To generate a more equitable sample, the survey was mailed to 5,000 randomly selected households with instructions in English, Spanish, Chinese, French, Korean, Vietnamese, Persian/Farsi and Amharic. However, the survey is open to all residents. Households that received the mailed survey should use the link and access code contained in the mailer. 

This biennial survey was last conducted by the County in 2019. This survey is an important tool to create better customer service, more transparency, and provide ideas and feedback to help the government make better budget and policy decisions to create a more effective and efficient service.


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Release ID: 21-1022
Media Contact: Barry Hudson 240-300-7348
Categories: Executive Office