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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, February 9, 2022

To ensure equitable distribution of COVID-19 rapid test kits and N95 masks, Montgomery County is continuing to distribute kits and masks to community organizations and childcare providers to redistribute to our most vulnerable and hard to reach populations across the County. 

The County has distributed more than 32,000 kits and more than 65,000 masks to seniors, people with disabilities and mobility issues, and other hard to reach populations through more than 112 organizations. Approximately 60,000 kits have been distributed to childcare programs for redistribution to staff and enrolled children, many of whom are under the age of five and unvaccinated. In addition, the County has provided more than 50,000 masks to the teachers and supporting staff at childcare centers. Approximately 30,000 kits and 20,000 masks have also been distributed to students and staff in private school settings.  

Private schools and childcare providers have received information directly on how to request test kits and masks for their students and staff. Parents should contact their children’s private school or childcare provider if they have not received test kits for their children.  

Organizations who serve residents unable to visit a COVID-19 testing site or pick up a testing kit and masks through the public distribution happening through Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) -- including residents who are homebound, residents with mobility issues, the underserved, and other hard to reach communities, are encouraged to fill out this form to request supplies. The form is intended to be filled out only by organizations who have the capacity and the means to pick up and redistribute kits to the target populations. Organizations who previously filled out the form can do so again. Please note, supplies are limited.   

Personal Requests Notification: This form is not intended for individuals to make personal requests. For individual test kits, please go to one of the MCPL distribution sites. You can also make an appointment to get tested at one of the County’s test sites or contact your health care provider.  

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Release ID: 22-095
Media Contact: Monika Hammer 240-463-2442
Categories: COVID-19