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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Monday, February 28, 2022

The Montgomery County Commission for Women is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2022. In recognition of March as Women’s History Month, the Commission for Women invites residents to participate in its fifth annual “Girl Power Contest.” County residents, ages 5 and up, are encouraged to submit a short story, poem, drawing, or medium of their choice that addresses two key questions.

The following questions are the themes for this year’s Girl Power Contest: What do you see as the three biggest accomplishments women have achieved over the last 50 years? What three accomplishments do you believe would make the biggest impact over the next 50 years?

“The contributions of Montgomery County women to our County, State and nation’s history needs to be celebrated,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “As we honor the women who have made history, we must also continue to build a culture of empowerment and opportunity for the next generation of female leaders. I encourage everyone to enter the Montgomery County Commission for Women’s ‘Girl Power Contest’ so they can help highlight the great work done by women and the impact they have in our County. For the last half of century, the Montgomery County Commission for Women has helped our women in our County by establishing networks, mentors, and resources enabling their success. I am grateful to the Commission for all the work it has done and continues to do to ensure that ‘her-story’ is told in Montgomery County.”

Entries typically are short stories, poems, and drawings. However, creativity is encouraged, and alternative creative expressive submissions are welcomed. Entries will be judged on creativity and content. Winning entries will be selected in four categories: elementary school, middle school, high school, and adult. Submissions will be accepted through midnight on March 31 and are limited to one per person. Written entries should be no more than 500 words. Entries should include full name, age, grade and school (if applicable), telephone number, and email address. Winners will be announced in April. All contest winners will be featured in Commission for Women social media and receive a swag bag.

Entries for the 2022 Girl Power Contest should be submitted online. Entries submitted by minors must include written permission from a parent or guardian and be the minor’s own work. All entries become the property of the Montgomery County Commission for Women and may be used for publicity purposes. The contest is sponsored by the Montgomery County Commission for Women, Montgomery County Public Libraries and Friends of the Library, Montgomery County. For more information, call 240-777-8300 or visit

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Release ID: 22-128
Media Contact: Jodi Finkelstein 240-777-8333