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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich has nominated nine residents to serve on the County’s inaugural Police Accountability Board. In April, the Montgomery County Council approved Bill 49-21 that established a Police Accountability Board (PAB). State law requires every Maryland county to establish a PAB by July 1.

The bill approved by the Council calls for the County Executive to make nominations for the PAB and for the nominees to be confirmed by the County Council. Establishment of the PAB is in accordance with House Bill 670 approved by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021. The State law created a new uniform procedure for police accountability and discipline, including the establishment of a PAB in each County.

Nominated by County Executive Elrich for Montgomery’s PAB are: Bishop Paul Walker (nominated as chair), Alicia Hudson, Kenneth Kellner, George Lluberes, Rudy Logan, Katharine Manning, Alvin McCray, Thomas Williams Jr. and Christopher Zatratz.

“I am pleased to nominate these nine diverse and qualified candidates to serve on the inaugural Police Accountability Board,” said County Executive Elrich. “We received over 60 applicants for this board, and we appreciate all those who expressed interest in serving. We selected fair-minded residents who believe in procedural justice, and we believe these individuals will bring increased accountability and transparency that will improve our police department and public safety in Montgomery County.”

All members of the PAB must be County residents. At least one voting member of the PAB must reside in a municipality that operates a police department within the jurisdiction of the PAB. The County Executive may appoint one or more non-voting members. Qualifications for members include being able to demonstrate, through professional or lived experience, the ability to balance effective oversight, perform objective analysis of an investigation report and practice procedural fairness.

Members of the PAB will receive an annual salary of $10,000, except for the chair who will also serve on the Administrative Charging Committee (ACC) and will not collect a salary as a PAB member. Each member of the PAB and the ACC will serve a three-year term and will be term-limited after serving two complete terms.

More information about the PAB is available here.

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Release ID: 22-344
Media Contact: Scott Peterson 240-255-8462
Categories: Public Safety