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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Thursday, June 9, 2022

The Montgomery County Public Libraries’ (MCPL) Summer Reading Challenge! is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, June 15. This year’s theme is “Oceans of Possibilities.” Children and teens are invited to sign up online or in-person at any branch.  

MCPL’s Summer Reading Challenge! offers children and teens a chance to fill their summer with great books and fun learning activities, as well as in-person and virtual events. This year, MCPL and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation are greening up Summer Reading by keeping plastic out of the waste stream. As children read and complete missions, MCPL will help plant trees, restore oyster beds, and improve animal habitats throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 

An indoor-outdoor Kick-off event will be held on Saturday, June 18 at the Rockville Memorial Library. The event will include: 

  • A Chesapeake Bay Foundation hands-on educational table
  • Strolling magician Abracadabra Alex
  • Summer Reading Challenge! signups and book giveaways
  • Craft tables

Participating is easy: 

  • Sign up (or log in) online beginning June 15
  • Read books and do activities to earn online badges and complete missions
  • (Optional) Print an Early Literacy or Elementary School Age game board at home or pick one up at your local library.
  • Take our survey (English or Spanish) when you've finished the program. Your voice counts!

Summer Reading Challenge!, which runs through Aug. 31, is generously sponsored by Friends of the Library, Montgomery County, Inc

For more information about the program, visit

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Release ID: 22-346
Media Contact: Cassandra Malik
Categories: Library