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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, July 26, 2022

From the Offices of Councilmembers Craig Rice and Sidney Katz

Individuals, business owners can apply to receive a voucher or rebate to offset the cost of a security camera on property in high priority areas

ROCKVILLE, Md., July 26, 2022The Montgomery County Council voted to enact a new public safety bill today that seeks to deter and solve crime by incentivizing the purchase of private security cameras by residents and businesses in areas experiencing relatively high incidences of crime.

Bill 14-22, Police – Private Security Camera Incentive Program – Established, will establish a private security camera incentive program within the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD). Under the program, an individual or business can apply to receive a voucher or rebate to offset the cost of a security camera on the individual’s or business’s property. Councilmembers Craig Rice, Sidney Katz and Council President Gabe Albornoz were the lead sponsors of Bill 14-22. Councilmembers Will Jawando, Nancy Navarro, Tom Hucker and Andrew Friedson cosponsored the legislation.

"Today we established a program that will enable residents, who live in high-priority communities, the ability to offset the cost of security cameras to help fight crime," Councilmember Rice said. "As an opt-in program, the private security camera incentive program will empower community efforts to address crimes happening in their own neighborhoods. We have seen multiple violent crimes right here in Montgomery County solved with the assistance of camera footage taken by a resident or a business. I hope the families of victims will see this program as a small way to honor their loved ones through real action to deter and solve crimes."

“This legislation will create another tool in the toolbox to address and deter crime in our county,” said Councilmember Katz, who chairs the Public Safety Committee. “The vouchers provided will enable more residents to install security cameras. The information collected will be of assistance to residents as well as law enforcement. I look forward to the establishment of this incentive program.” 

Applicants’ property must be within a “priority area” designated by the police chief. The bill defines “priority area” as “one or more police districts identified by the chief as needing additional security cameras based upon public safety indicators, including crime levels.”  

Under the bill, the police chief is required to report to the Council annually regarding the implementation of the program, including the number of rebates and vouchers awarded, and the efficacy of the program. 

The program will be implemented in November 2022. The staff report can be viewed here.

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Release ID: 22-289
Media Contact: Kristin Trible 240-777-7947, Lisa Mandel-Trupp 240-777-7812
Categories: Craig Rice, Sidney Katz