For Immediate Release: Monday, February 13, 2023
Fatmata Barrie has been named executive director of the new Montgomery County Police Accountability Board (PAB) and the Administrative Charging Committee (ACC). She was unanimously selected by the PAB and ACC subcommittee.
Ms. Barrie is a practicing attorney with more than 20 years of client-focused and result-centered experience. She also has approximately 30 years of experience as a community and civil rights advocate and organizer, with a focus on civic engagement and coalition building.
The Police Accountability Board and Administrative Charging Committee was created to work with law enforcement agencies to review, provide policy advice and report on disciplinary matters stemming from public complaints about police misconduct.
“The Police Accountability Board is an important step in the County’s efforts to build public trust around police accountability,” said County Executive Marc Elrich. “I appreciate the board for its dedication to a thorough interview process and selecting Ms. Barrie. I look forward to working with Ms. Barrie to ensure the PAB and ACC are successful in their legislative mandated mission.”
The PAB is composed of nine public voting members who are appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the Council. In addition, the County Executive may appoint one or more non-voting members. At least one voting member must reside in a municipality operating a police department that is within the jurisdiction of the board, which includes Chevy Chase Village, Gaithersburg, Rockville and Takoma Park. Members of the board must reflect the racial, gender, gender-identity, sexual orientation and cultural diversity of the County.
The ACC is a five-member committee that reviews complaints against law enforcement officers and makes determinations as to chargeability and culpability.
Ms. Barrie has a law degree from the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Florida A&M University. She emigrated to the U.S. from Sierra Leone, West Africa, at age 11 and grew up in South Florida.
As a senior legislative aide at the Montgomery County Council, she oversaw and investigated policing, social justice and immigration-related public safety issues. In her roles as a legislative aide, attorney and community advocate, she was involved in the passage of police reform and civil rights legislation.
“I am excited and I have enjoyed working with the board and committee members,” said Ms. Barrie. “I look forward to working with all stakeholders to ensure that the Police Accountability Board and the Administrative Charging Committee and the process is not only accessible and transparent, but that the goals of the board and committee are met.”
Ms. Barrie has been a member of several community organizations and boards including the Montgomery County African Affairs Advisory Group (chair), Women’s Democratic Club, Friends of White Oak, the East County Citizens Advisory Board, the National Organization of Sierra Leoneans in North America, the African Immigrant Caucus, the Women of Color Coalition and the Immigrant Community Services. She was the founder of Black Diaspora Voices.
The PAB submitted its annual report to the County Executive and County Council in December. The report can be found at PAB Memo to Montgomery County Leadership Re 2022 PAB Annual Report FINAL.pdf (
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Release ID: 23-068