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For Immediate Release: Thursday, May 4, 2023

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich and County Council President Evan Glass today joined Maryland Governor Wes Moore, Congressman Jamie Raskin and community leaders in Silver Spring as the County’s Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) dedicated its newest affordable senior community, “The Leggett.” The 267-unit, 16-story complex was named for former County Executive Isiah Leggett, who was a strong advocate for affordable housing.

Among the many people attending the ceremonies were Lt. Governor Aruna Miller, members of the County Council, former Congresswoman Connie Morella and former staff of Mr. Leggett’s administration.

Located at 1315 Apple Ave. in Silver Spring, The Leggett is a mixed-income, multi-use community that sets a standard for senior apartment living. The newly constructed building offers one- and two-bedroom units for County residents 62-and-over, with 238 units set aside as designated affordable. It was built above a new County recreation center that will open soon. The first tenants in The Leggett are scheduled to move in later this month.

“Naming this building after Ike Leggett isn’t just about honoring a man who has dedicated his life to service—it’s about rededicating ourselves to the values that make him great: dedication, empathy and kindness,” said Governor Moore. “This project will be a permanent monument to his legacy, ensure our seniors have somewhere safe and affordable to call home and set the standard for future initiatives to lift our communities and everyone in them.”

Under Mr. Leggett’s leadership as County Executive from 2006 to 2018, Montgomery County expanded affordable housing funding; maintained or constructed 77,000 affordable housing units; and invested in countywide measures to improve the quality of life for senior adults.

“I couldn’t be more honored with this dedication knowing it will become home for hundreds of our fellow Montgomery Countians who deserve reasonably priced, modern housing right in the heart of downtown Silver Spring,” said Mr. Leggett.

The Leggett combines affordable housing for seniors with direct access to public health amenities that work to create a sustainable and vibrant community. The Leggett will feature an integrated Holy Cross Hospital-affiliated wellness center with “Senior Source” programming, and an urgent care facility (scheduled to open in summer 2023). 

"This development shows the County's commitment to affordable housing and reinforces our commitment to no-net-loss when replacing existing housing with new affordable housing,” said County Executive Elrich. “With the Holy Cross-affiliated wellness center and upcoming recreation and aquatics center, it is a complete services model in a great location and a model for building affordable housing through partnerships. This was a complicated project to put together, and it was set in motion under the leadership of former County Executive Ike Leggett. Thus, naming the building for him is the perfect way to highlight his commitment to affordable housing, supporting our older county residents and ensuring a good quality of life.

The Leggett complex will include the+ new 133,000-square-foot South County Regional Recreation and Aquatic Center. The center is part of a public-private partnership between HOC and Lee Development Group in the Central Business District of Silver Spring. It will offer a state-of-the art recreational facility with basketball courts, a public Olympic size pool, a therapy pool, spa, a gym, exercise and weight rooms, movement and dance studios and a culinary arts kitchen. The complex is near an extension of the Capital Crescent Trail.

“Access to housing is a basic right. With over 130,000 households struggling to make rent every month, we need more affordable housing in Montgomery County,” said Council President Glass. “Former County Executive Ike Leggett opened Montgomery County’s doors to people from around the world, and now this building will continue his legacy.”

The project is a major accomplishment for the County’s Housing Opportunities Commission

“This innovative housing project offers a unique opportunity to provide affordable housing options for seniors in a way that prioritizes their wellbeing and recognizes the importance of community engagement with its proximity to county amenities,” said HOC Executive Director Chelsea Andrews. “We are strategically focusing on the long-term impacts a project like this will have on its residents and the surrounding Montgomery County community.”

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Release ID: 23-194
Media Contact: Barry Hudson 240-300-7348
Categories: Housing