For Immediate Release: Thursday, March 14, 2024
Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich today released his recommended Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Operating Budget of $7.1 billion, which is an increase of 4.9 percent from the FY24 approved all funds budget (County Government plus outside agencies).
The FY25 budget reflects growing demands for services, increased costs for operations, fulfilling contracts with County labor partners, a commitment to schools and a strengthened approach to economic development activities.
To access the entire recommended FY25 budget, click here. To watch the County Executive's FY25 recommended budget presentation, click here.
The County Charter requires the County Executive to present a recommended budget by March 15 of each year. The recommended budget will be reviewed by the County Council over the next two months. The Council will adopt the new County budget in May, and it will go into effect on July 1.
“This recommended budget makes significant investments to improve the quality of life for our community without raising taxes,” said County Executive Elrich. “Our County’s current resources, while increasing, cannot fully support the growing needs of the community and demand for services. Consequently, I am not able to recommend funding for all requests for service enhancements I have received from stakeholders, community groups and County departments. Working within our current resources, my plan balances the needs of the community, economic forecasts and the growing cost of doing business. Looking to the future, we will need to have frank conversations about the structural imbalance that exists between the growing demands for County services and the revenue streams we currently have available to us.
“To continue to thrive, we must be able to provide businesses with access to talented employees and good infrastructure; provide residents with access to quality education and employment opportunities, affordable housing, safe neighborhoods, and a transportation infrastructure system that works well; ensure that our most vulnerable neighbors remain housed and have access to services so they can live healthy and thriving lives; attract talent to County government to deliver the services residents demand most; and address climate change, which is a threat to our very existence. This budget addresses each of these challenges.”
The recommended FY25 budget incorporated feedback from the County’s very diverse population. Over the course of four months, County Executive Elrich conducted 10 community conversations on the budget. These took place in five regions of the County, plus focused sessions with the Montgomery County PTA, older adults, and three sessions conducted in languages other than English (Chinese, Spanish, and Amharic). In addition, residents were able to participate virtually at several of these sessions making them more accessible. Over 3,000 people attended these conversations (in-person and online).
“I want to thank everyone who participated in this budget process,” said Elrich. “I received numerous letters and e-mail messages from and held meetings with members of the community regarding service needs. The feedback I received from the community conversations, letters, e-mail messages and meetings has been invaluable and was used in informing my funding recommendations for FY25. I also want to thank the incredible work of our community partners. County government alone could not reach everyone who needs assistance. Through our partnerships with nonprofit organizations and faith communities, we continue to connect more deeply with our residents to deliver much
needed services.”
Highlights of the FY25 Recommended Operating Budget:
Public Schools and Services for Children:
“In order for Montgomery County to succeed, MCPS must succeed,” said Elrich. “My recommended budget increases County funding for the MCPS budget by $106.8 million, which is the third largest ever increase for MCPS. Per-pupil funding grows by $888, and my recommended MCPS budget exceeds the State’s Maintenance of Effort requirement by $132 million. In addition to funding provided directly to MCPS, this budget contains significant funding to County departments supporting the mission of our school system and ensuring that children have access to early childhood care and programs, healthcare and mental healthcare services in our schools as well as funding to addressing youth safety needs.”
Highlights include:
Support for Individuals and Families:
“Economic and social inequities exist in our community that are life or death struggles for many of our residents,” said Elrich. “I believe that my administration and this County should be judged first and foremost on how we take care of the most vulnerable as well those most impacted by historic inequities. My FY25 recommended budget makes targeted investments in programs that help uplift those who are struggling most.”
Highlights (in addition to the student/education programs listed above) include:
Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change:
“As I have said many times before and as we know all too well, we are facing a climate crisis that is not easily solved and cannot be solved at the County level alone,” said Elrich. “We must do what we can and hopefully serve as a model for other jurisdictions around the country. I am recommending $365 million toward our efforts to fight climate change. My budget adds funds to help low-income residents access federal incentives and tax credits for climate-friendly investments that are available via the Federal Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and the Jobs Act of 2023. We are investing in our continued transition to electric vehicles, expanding solar infrastructure, improving the tree canopy, reducing pollution in our rivers and streams as well as engaging more County residents in adopting local climate solutions.”
Highlights Include:
Transportation and Transit:
“While we are making some important improvements including the Great Seneca Transit Network, I continue to be concerned about our ability to build transportation infrastructure,” said Elrich. “Additional resources are essential, particularly to support important investments to enhance mobility within and around the County, support economic development, and improve safety for transit riders, pedestrians, bikers and drivers. While Northern Virginia races ahead of us targeting taxes to implement transportation improvements and address congestion, we continue to be hamstrung by constrained resources and lack of authority to implement solutions as done in Northern Virginia. We need to understand the importance of targeted taxes as an investment in a successful future.”
Highlights Include:
Affordable Housing:
“Our goal is to produce, protect and preserve as much affordable housing in our County as possible,” said Elrich. “When families are displaced due to high housing costs, schools, neighborhoods and communities are negatively impacted. My FY25 recommended budget allocates over $169.4 million, including $65 million in new funding, to expand the preservation and production of affordable housing to our most economically burdened residents. I am recommending $56.2 million in the Housing Initiative Fund (HIF) that includes $22.9 million for our Rental Assistance Program. Additionally, I am recommending $113.2 million in funding for three Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), including the Affordable Housing Acquisition and Preservation project, the Nonprofit Preservation Fund and the Revitalization for Troubled and Distressed Common Ownership Communities project.”
Highlights Include:
Public Safety:
“We are expanding our efforts to make our communities safe and secure,” said Elrich. “The recommended FY25 budget includes funding to increase recruitment and improve staffing of first responders, investing in new technologies that will help suppress crime and apprehend criminals while continuing our commitment to a holistic approach to provide resources and services that create more positive opportunities for young people. Additionally, we continue to invest in our best public safety resource, the men and women who serve to protect and rescue us.”
Highlights Include:
Police Department
Correction and Rehabilitation
Fire and Rescue Service
Mental Health and Substance Misuse
Libraries and Recreation:
“Last year we began offering free passes to residents to our Department of Recreation fitness centers; our libraries continue to find new and creative ways to engage audiences of all ages, and recently we opened the Silver Spring Aquatic and Recreation Center to great fanfare,” said Elrich. “It is evident from the positive response to these programs and resources that our libraries and recreation centers matter to the residents and communities of Montgomery County. In our FY25 budget, I am pleased to increase funding to meet public demand for online publications as well as increasing non-English language books and materials. Additionally, we are going to continue our free access to fitness centers and provide additional funding to senior programming.”
Highlights Include:
Economic Development:
“My FY25 Recommended Operating Budget includes a more targeted and improved approached to economic development with approximately $27.3 million to support growing the County’s economy, an increase of 17 percent from the FY24 Approved Operating Budget,” said Elrich. “While we’re at the center of the #3 biohealth cluster, we’ve been assessing what critical pieces are missing; we’re working to make sure that companies don’t tell us ‘we’d love to come here but for...’ This budget gives us capacity to add critical pieces of the puzzle to bring and retain these important businesses. My recommendation builds on our goal for an inclusive and innovative economy by leveraging our talented workforce, our existing biohealth strengths, innovation economy, location and quality of life assets. Economic development is not the responsibility of any one department or organization, and these activities are funded through multiple County departments and economic development organizations. Through these combined efforts, the County supports business and startup growth, attracts domestic and international relocation and measures impact to continuously improve service delivery.”
Highlights Include:
Community Partners:
“This budget strengthens and improves the County’s relationship with community partners,” said Elrich. “The services offered by our partners help us to address poverty and social inequity, provide emergency services and health care, serve disconnected youth in our community and ensure that seniors and persons with disabilities receive quality services. These partnerships help our neighbors who are most in need access critical services. I am recommending a three percent inflationary adjustment for nonprofit contracts across County government. Additionally, this budget also expands the capacity of the Office of Grants Management by creating a pool of flexible funding – some of this will be used to help us go after federal grants.”
Highlights Include:
Effective and Sustainable Government:
“My recommended operating budget makes significant investments in one of our greatest assets – our employees and the operations of the Montgomery County government,” said Elrich. “As part of the recommended FY25 operating budget, we are recommending increases to the Board of Elections to handle the 2024 Presidential Election. My budget provides funding for the Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS) to continue to modernize Montgomery County Government information technology systems. And we are making significant changes to the Cable Fund by identifying additional revenue streams and a strategic plan to guide our Public, Education, and Government communications efforts moving forward.”
Highlights Include:
Creating a 21st Century Workforce:
“Our Office of Human Resources (OHR) works to build a strong and resilient workforce to meet the service needs of our diverse and growing community – today and into the future,” said Elrich. “With historically low unemployment rates and increased teleworking career options, the County – like every local government – is experiencing persistent staffing challenges. In recognition of these new realities, I have directed repurposing of six existing positions and funding for online hiring platforms, to strengthen our recruitment program. Along with the new applicant tracking system, these resources will bring the County’s recruitment and hiring efforts current with best practices, reduce time to fill and bring increased visibility to the County as a preferred employer. The budget also funds management training programs, to increase the effectiveness of the County’s leadership teams. Additionally, to reform the County’s long outdated classification plan and bring transparency to the County’s pay practices, the budget funds a comprehensive review of job classes and compensation structures, with a view towards developing and implementing a competitive pay philosophy.”
Highlights Include:
Use of Additional Federal Reimbursement:
“The County has been approved to receive $33 million in reimbursements from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for COVID-19 related expenditures – we are just waiting for the check,” said Elrich. “Consistent with the County’s fiscal policy, this revenue assumption is not included in this budget submission. It is highly likely that we will receive these revenues while the Council is considering my recommended budget. When we receive the funding, I intend to submit the following items as budget amendments using the revenue from this reimbursement so the Council can consider them as part of the FY25 Recommended Operating Budget package.”
Other Enhancements:
“My budget fully funds the request of Montgomery College,” said Elrich. “Because of the efforts begun by my Administration, and in collaboration with the Montgomery College, I am pleased to report that the East County Education Center will offer classes during the spring 2024 semester, with a more robust schedule launching in summer and fall 2024. Additionally, I am recommending a budget increase for the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission of 6.2 percent for the Administration Fund and 6.3 percent for the Park Fund, and an 8.5 percent rate increase for WSSC consistent with the request from the Commission and in line with the approved spending affordability limit. As part of the final year of the negotiated three-year phased implementation plan, my budget increases the Payments to Municipalities budget by $2.1 million, including the estimated cost for speed camera reimbursements. For the third year in a row, I have included funding for the Office of the People’s Counsel, and I hope that this will be the year that the Council will include this funding.”
Highlights Include:
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Media Contact: Scott Peterson, 240-255-8462, [email protected]
Release ID: 24-127