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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Friday, March 29, 2024

Montgomery County Animal Services (OAS) officers on Thursday, March 28, responded to two reported coyote attacks in the Ashton and Burtonsville areas that injured two people.  After a search, the coyote was located and eventually killed by searching officers.

The first attack occurred near Patuxent Drive and Lost Creek Drive in Ashton.  The second one occurred near Bell Road in Burtonsville.  One of the victims received non-life-threatening bites to the arms and legs. The second victim received a non-life-threatening bite, but was able to fight off the coyote and injure it.  Specimens from the coyote have been submitted for rabies testing.

OAS worked with other departments and organizations, including the Montgomery County Police Department, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the Maryland National Capital Park Police and Montgomery Parks, to track the animal and reduce the danger to the public.

Coyote attacks involving people are rare and are usually caused by an animal who has become used to human interaction or may be ill. Residents can help keep their pets safe by ensuring they are up to date on rabies vaccinations, keeping dogs on leashes and supervised when outdoors and keeping other domestic pets inside.

Coyotes are reclusive animals who generally avoid human contact, but some have become accustomed to humans due to food availability in neighborhoods. A technique called hazing can assist in moving coyotes out of the area and maintain their fear of humans.

Residents who encounter coyotes should implement hazing techniques to deter them from feeling comfortable around people. Effective techniques to scare off a coyote could include banging pots and pans together, loudly whistling, yelling, using a garden hose and throwing sticks or tennis balls. The coyote may retreat a short distance and look back.  If that happens, continue hazing until they leave the area. More information on hazing to reshape coyote behavior can be found on the Humane Society of the United States’ website.

Animal Services officers are available 24/7 to investigate complaints and respond to animal emergencies. Call 911 to report animal-related emergencies and call the Emergency Communications Center at 301-279-8000 to report animal-related issues and complaints.  For more information about the OAS, visit their website

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Release ID: 24-144
Media Contact: Office of Animal Services 240-773-5900
Categories: Animal Services