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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, December 3, 2024

From the Office of Councilmember Andrew Friedson

Outgoing Montgomery County Council President Andrew Friedson, who concluded his one-year term as president today, reflected on the Council’s accomplishments in 2024. To close out his year as president, a video retrospective was prepared highlighting the work of the Council that he led in 2024.

View the video.

Excerpts from Councilmember Friedson's remarks on his term as Council president can be read below:

“It has been such a profound privilege to serve this 11-member Council and the more than one million residents of Montgomery County. With an unexpected virtual start to my Council presidency and unanticipated challenges that arose throughout the year, this twentieth Montgomery County Council proved that we are greater than the sum of our individual parts. We demonstrated how much we can accomplish when we work together to advance shared priorities toward the common good.

“It has truly been the privilege of my professional life to serve this extraordinary community as the president of the Montgomery County Council with such an exceptional group of public servants.

“Despite the obstacles before us, I have no doubt in our capacity as a county to overcome them, if we continue to live by our values and bring out the best in one another. Montgomery County can and must be a beacon of light and hope at a time when it’s needed more than ever. I look forward to continuing to work together to be a county government as strong as the community we serve.    

“I want to recognize the tremendous work of Council President Kate Stewart, who has been an excellent friend and partner over the last year and who is well-equipped to lead this body. I look forward to working collaboratively with Council President Stewart, Vice President Will Jawando and all my Council colleagues in the year ahead.”

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Release ID: 24-426
Media Contact: Cindy Gibson 240-620-8571
Categories: Andrew Friedson