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  Estimated Real Property Tax and Other Non-tax Charges

Enter an address or account number, and the system will estimate real property tax plus other non-tax charges a new owner will pay in the first full fiscal year of ownership.

Enter one of the following to calculate estimated property tax and other non-tax charges
How does the system work?

The system will estimate the amount of property tax and other non-tax charges a buyer will pay in the first full fiscal year of ownership. The system will also determine whether the property is located in a development tax district or a proposed development tax district. If the property is located in such an area, the calculator will estimate the amount of any special assessment, special tax, fee, or charge which the buyer must pay. The property tax estimate is based on:

  • next fiscal year's phase-in value if known, otherwise the current fiscal year's phase-in value
  • this fiscal year's property tax rates (State, County, and municipal)
  • no property tax credits (homestead, homeowners, income tax offset, senior)
  • non-tax charges the same next year as in the current year
Have a question or comment about our system?

Here is the contact information:

OCP Phone Number: 240-777-3636
OCP Fax Number:     240-777-3768
OCP General E-mail: [email protected]

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