MCFRS Emblem
USER: Thursday, February 27, 2025
Fleet and Facility Management Reporting System - Apparatus Tracker and Defect Reporting System for Apparatus and Small Tools

Password Management Guide

To reset your account password, click here or click the Reset it here link in the login screen.

Fig 1: Login Screen
Login Screen

Follow the steps below to reset your account password.
  1. Identify FRS User
  2. Verify Account User
  3. Reset Password
  4. Password Reset Confirmation

Step 1: Identify FRS User

  1. Enter your MCFRS ID and Date of Birth
  2. Click the Next button to continue to the next step or the Cancel button to quit the password reset screen
Fig 2: Reset Account Password - Identify User Screen
Reset Account Password - Identify User Screen

Step 2: Verify Account User

  1. Verify that the name and department associated with the user account is correct
  2. Enter the answer you provided to the security question at the time of user registration
  3. If you cannot recall the exact answer you provided at the time of registration, click the Contact Us link in the header to get technical support
  4. Click the Next button to continue to the next step or the Cancel button to quit the password reset screen
Fig 3: Reset Account Password - Verify Account Screen
Reset Account Password - Verify Account Screen

Step 3: Reset Password

  1. Enter a password that meets the stated minimum password requirements
  2. Reenter the same password
  3. Click the Next button to continue to the next step or the Cancel button to quit the password reset screen
Fig 4: Reset Account Password - Enter Password Screen
Reset Account Password - Enter Password Screen

Step 4: Password Reset Confirmation

  1. Be sure to save your log-in information in a safe place
  2. If your user account has an email address associated with it, a password reset confirmation email is sent to that address
  3. You have now completed the account password reset process. Click the Proceed to Defect Reporting Form button
Fig 5: Reset Account Password - Password Reset Confirmation
Reset Account Password - Password Reset Confirmation