For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 15, 2022
ROCKVILLE, Md., March 15, 2022—Montgomery County Council President Gabe Albornoz made the following statement today after County Executive Marc Elrich transmitted his Fiscal Year 2023 Recommended Operating Budget to the Council:
"The Council thanks County Executive Elrich and his team for their work developing the Fiscal Year 2023 Recommended Operating Budget for Montgomery County and its residents.
"Budgets are moral documents that establish our priorities, reflect our community needs, and underscore our core values. Montgomery County's operating budget is our most significant policy document and one of the best tools to fund pivotal and essential services to improve the quality of life for County residents. The FY 23 Recommended Operating Budget provides the Council with a blueprint for us to begin our work.
"I encourage Montgomery County residents to provide their feedback to the Council, as we move through the budget process. Your views are instrumental in developing a final budget that will benefit community members by balancing the needs for essential and important county services with demands on our taxpayers and holding the line on our long-term fiscal obligations."
The Council’s public hearings on the operating budget are scheduled for April 19 and April 20 at 1:30 p.m. and April 19, 20 and 21 at 7 p.m. Those interested in testifying at the public hearings in person or virtually can sign up on the Council's webpage starting on March 24 or by calling 240-777-7803. The Council also encourages residents to use #MoCoFY23 to communicate their views on the budget via social media.
Prerecorded audio or video or written testimony can also be submitted on the Council's webpage. In addition, testimony can be sent by regular mail to: County Council, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850, or by calling the Council budget hotline at 240-777-7802.
Information on the FY23 Recommended Operating Budget can be found on the Office of Management and Budget's webpage.
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Release ID: 22-118