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Departments and Agencies

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Executive Branch Offices

review department Website:
Mike Scheffel, Director
Address: 18410 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD 20855
Phone: 301-590-2823
Description: Agriculture service encompasses the promotion of agriculture as a viable component of the County's business and economic sector, as well as the preservation of farmland as a resource for future agricultural production capabilities.
MPIA Contact: Jacqueline Arnold , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Kathie Durbin, Director
Address: 201 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: 240-777-1900
Description: The Alcohol Beverage Services (formerly Department of Liquor Control) administers the distribution and sale of all beverage alcohol in Montgomery County.
MPIA Contact: Jocelyn Rawat , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Caroline Hairfield, Executive Director
Address: 7315 Muncaster Mill Rd, Derwood, MD 20855
Phone: 240-773-5900
Description: The Office of Animal Services provides high-quality sheltering and care to homeless, abused, and neglected animals in Montgomery County and ensures the safety and welfare of County residents and their animals through enforcement of State and County laws and regulations.
MPIA Contact: Arpie Park , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Eli Martinez, Director
Address: 101 Monroe St, 6th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-8220
Description: The Board oversees the investment programs of the County's retirement plans.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Fariba Kassiri, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 2nd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-2550
Description: The new Community Engagement Cluster (CEC) is a combination of the five Regional Services Centers, the Commission for Women, and the Office of Community Partnerships, including the Gilchrist Center and the Volunteer Center, and will operate as one unit effective July 1st, 2011.
MPIA Contact: Peter Fosselman , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Shawn Ellis, Director
Address: 1401 Rockville Pike 3rd Floor, 300, Rockville, MD 20852
Phone: 240-777-8320
Description: The OCP serves as a bridge builder between the County government and community organizations serving the residents of Montgomery County, working across the barriers of race, ethnicity, income, and religion that too often diminish communities.
MPIA Contact: Yvette Torres , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Ramona Bell-Pearson, Director
Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 9th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Phone: 240-777-2725
Description: Community Use of Public Facilities provides community users and community groups with access to public schools and government facilities for community services, programs, and events. Services performed by staff in support of this function include: scheduling; information and referral; problem resolution; implementing and reviewing the Interagency Coordinating Board (ICB) policies with Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) staff, PTAs, and community-based committees; providing on-site monitoring of activities; and conducting training workshops.
MPIA Contact: Ramona Bell-Person , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Eric Friedman, Director
Address: 100 Maryland Avenue, Suite 3600, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-3636
Description: Tip Line to anonymously report consumer deception or fraud: (240) 777-3681. The mission of the Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) is to enforce consumer protection laws prohibiting unfair and deceptive business acts or practices to ensure a fair marketplace for consumers and businesses. Activities include complaint resolution, law enforcement, education, legislation, licensing, advocacy, and outreach to vulnerable consumers. The Office licenses or registers new home builders, automotive repair, towing, appliance repair, commercial parking lots, and second-hand personal property dealers. Our webpage provides consumer protection information, a disclosure report on the number of complaints against merchants, and a complaint form.
MPIA Contact: Patricia Vitale , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Ben Stevenson, Director
Address: 22880 Whelan Lane, Boyds, MD 20841
Phone: 240-777-9976
Description: Provides progressive and comprehensive correctional services through the use of pretrial supervision, secure incarceration and community treatment and reintegration programs.
MPIA Contact: Willie Morales , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
John Markovs, County Attorney
Address: 101 Monroe St., 3rd Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-6700
Description: The County Attorney acts as the chief legal officer of Montgomery County Government and conducts all its legal business.
MPIA Contact: Diane Kilcoyne , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Marc Elrich, County Executive
Address: 101 Monroe St., 2nd floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-2550
Description: The Office of the County Executive provides political leadership to the community, through County Executive Marc Elrich and his staff, and administrative direction to the County’s executive branch departments under the supervision of the Chief Administrative Officer and his staff.
MPIA Contact: Monisola Brobbey , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Boris Brajkovic, Director
Address: 18753-210 North Frederick Avenue, Gaithersburg, MD 20879
Phone: 240-777-8500
Description: The Board of Elections registers voters; conducts elections; assists persons seeking elective office with candidate filings and campaign fund reports; assists citizens seeking to place questions on the ballot; and preserves electoral information.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Luke Hodgson, Director
Address: 100 Edison Park Drive, 1S31, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: 240-777-2300
Description: Plans, prevents, prepares and protects against major threats that may harm, disrupt or destroy our communities, commerce and institutions. Our mission is to effectively manage and coordinate the County’s unified response, mitigation, and recovery from the consequences of such disasters or events should they occur. It also serves to educate the public on emergency preparedness for all hazards and focused outreach to our diverse and special populations to protect, secure and sustain critical infrastructures to ensure the continuity of essential services.
MPIA Contact: Lauren Freitag , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Jon Monger, Director
Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 4th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Phone: 240-777-0311
Description: The mission of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is to enhance the quality of life in our community by protecting and improving Montgomery County’s air, water and land in a sustainable way while fostering smart growth, a thriving economy and healthy communities.
MPIA Contact: Kimberly Morris , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Erin E. O'Connor, Director
Address: 100 Maryland Avenue, 204, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-6670
Description: The Ethics Commission administers the County's Code of Ethics by encouraging and enforcing compliance and ensuring the ethical conduct of employees of the Executive Branch, County Council, selected Boards and Commissions, the Revenue Authority, Housing Opportunities Commission, Fire Corporations, and Rescue Squads. The Commission also serves in an advisory capacity to the Washington Suburban Transit Commission.
MPIA Contact: Erin O'Connor , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Michael Coveyou, Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 15th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-8860
Description: The Finance Department manages financial operations, recommends and implements sound fiscal policies, safeguards public assets, and encourages a safe environment on public property.
MPIA Contact: Rahela Majidi , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Corey A. Smedley, Chief
Address: 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: 240-777-2400
Description: Fire and Rescue Service prevents fires and accidents through public education, inspections, and enforcement of applicable laws; and provides fire suppression, rescue, emergency medical services, and responds to hazardous materials incidents through the combined efforts of career and volunteer personnel using tax and volunteer-generated funds.
MPIA Contact: Kristin Shjarback , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
David Dise, Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, EOB 9th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-6194
Description: The Department of General Services proactively serves the diverse business and service requirements of all County departments, providing a single point of government-to-government service, enabling departments to successfully complete their respective missions and, thereby, adding value to the services performed by Montgomery County to county residents. In so doing, the Department of General Services contributes directly towards the County Executive's objective for "a responsive and accountable county government."
MPIA Contact: Ijeoma L. Oji , Yemisi Ogbodo | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Rafael Murphy, Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 6th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-2775
Description: The Office of Grants Management provides a central point of contact regarding grants that the County receives or awards, disseminate federal and State grant opportunities within the County, maintains a central database of grants that the County receives or awards, provides training and technical assistance regarding grants management, and coordinates all County competitive grants programs. In coordination with the Office of Procurement, the Office of Grants Management develops countywide policies and procedures regarding grants management that are consistent with the County’s racial equity and social justice goals.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
James Bridgers, Director
Address: 401 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-0311
Description: Health and Human Services assures the provision of integrated services addressing the health and human service needs of Montgomery County residents. The department develops and implements policies and procedures which further this end and maximizes the resources available for direct, customer-oriented services while maintaining adequate management oversight at minimum costs. Innovative approaches to service delivery and system coordination are piloted and evaluated by Health and Human Services. It also develops and maintains a broad network of community, non-profit, public, and private sector delivery organizations in a sustained and substantial partnership.
MPIA Contact: Joy Royes , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Scott. Bruton, Director
Address: 1401 Rockville Pike, 4th floor, Rockville, MD 20852-1428
Description: DHCA works to preserve and increase the supply of affordable housing, maintain existing housing in a safe and sanitary condition, preserve the safety and quality of residential and commercial areas, ensure fair and equitable relations between landlords and tenants, and support the success of common ownership communities – all with a focus on reducing racial inequities and climate change impacts.
MPIA Contact: Sydney Mentrup , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Traci Anderson, Director
Address: 101 Monroe St, 7th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Description: The Office of Human Resources provides a human resources program to attract, develop, and retain a diverse, high-performing, and well-qualified work force. It provides services to employees, retirees, and others; and works in partnership with other County departments toward the accomplishment of mission goals and objectives through effective human resources management.
MPIA Contact: Samuel Frushour , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
James Stowe, Director
Address: 21 Maryland Avenue, 330, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-8450
Description: The Human Rights Commission enforces anti-discrimination laws in housing, commercial real estate, employment, and public accommodations. The Commission promotes, monitors, and enforces fair housing laws relating to access and treatment. It provides training and technical assistance in civil rights laws and addresses community conflict motivated by prejudice, intolerance, and bigotry based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, and sexual orientation, and promotes increased understanding and tolerance among diverse groups.
MPIA Contact: James Stowe , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Melanie Wenger, Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 4th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-6550
Description: The Office of Intergovernmental Relations represents County interests at the municipal, regional, State, and Federal levels and prepares the annual State Legislative Program. The Office is the liaison with State government and the County’s legislative delegation. In addition, the Office is the lead Executive Branch agency representing the County before the Maryland Association of Counties.
MPIA Contact: Kathleen Boucher , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Jennifer Harling, Chief Labor Relations Officer
Address: 101 Monroe St. 12th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-5073
Description: The Office of Labor Relations fosters high-performing labor-management relationships through the use of collaborative and interest-based methods, that demonstrate the possibilities of effective labor-management partnership and confirm the value of the County's workforce.
MPIA Contact: George Lacy , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Jennifer Bryant, Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 14th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-2800
Description: The Office of Management and Budget provides recommendations to the County Executive and County Council, and acts where appropriate on resource allocation, fiscal policy, and related matters in order to support the advancement of the elected officials' policy agendas and the effective and efficient operation of County Government.
MPIA Contact: Samuel Buo , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Eli Martinez, Director
Address: 101 Monroe St, 6th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-8224
Description: Effective July 1, 2012 the oversight of the Montgomery County Retirement Plans has been consolidated into a single organization. The organization (Montgomery County Retirement Employee Retirement Plans) is located on the 15th floor of the Executive Office Building. We invite you to take the opportunity to learn who we are, what we do, and how we do it, by exploring the electronic information found throughout its website.
MPIA Contact: Eli Martinez , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Heather Bruskin, Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 6th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 202-816-9083
Description: The OFSR exists to develop and implement interagency budgetary, regulatory, and operational strategies to build a more equitable, efficient, resilient, and sustainable food system in Montgomery County. The OFSR defines resilience as the capability of individuals, communities, and the County to collectively withstand and rapidly recover from food system disruptions, stresses, and changes. The vision of the OFSR is to create a community where all Montgomery County residents can obtain healthy, nutritious, and culturally appropriate foods without fear of financial stress and to cultivate a local food system that can adapt to and recover from disruptions.
MPIA Contact: Juan Cruz , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Rabbiah Sabbakhan, Director
Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 7th floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Phone: 240-777-0311
Description: The Department of Permitting ensures compliance with Montgomery County's development and construction standards.
MPIA Contact: Gail Lucas , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Marc R. Yamada, Chief
Address: 100 Edison Park Drive, 3rd floor - Public Safety HQ, Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Phone: 240-773-5000
Description: The Department of Police protects life and property and preserves peace and order.
MPIA Contact: Mary Davison , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Avinash G. Shetty, Director
Address: 27 Courthouse Square, 330, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-9900
Description: To preserve the public trust and ensure the integrity of the public procurement process through the efficiency and effectiveness of the procurement of goods, services, and construction in accordance with best practices; resulting in the highest value for County government and its residents.
MPIA Contact: Sheronda Baltimore , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Barry Hudson, Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 4th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-6507
Description: The Office of Public Information provides communication with the public, the County Executive, departments and agencies, media, County employees, the County Council, and other elected officials, businesses, civic groups, and every other segment of the Montgomery County community through the mass media, Internet, press conferences, publications, and cable television programming. PIO respond to only media MPIA requests. For all other MPIA inquiries, please contact the appropriate departmental MPIA representative.
MPIA Contact: Mary Anderson , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Darcell Graham, Director
Address: 21 Maryland Ave, 310, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-0002
Description: The Department of Public Libraries makes public library services available to the public. A full range of services is available at 22 library sites during all open hours, including: information service for adults and children; Public Access Catalog for access to indices and full text (also available 24 hours per day via dial-in and World Wide Web); automated phone renewal (24 hours per day, 7 days a week); regularly scheduled programming for preschool children; and meeting rooms for public use. A comprehensive collection of materials is maintained to meet patrons’ interests and needs.
MPIA Contact: Regina Holyfield-Jewett , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Tiffany Ward, Director
Address: 101 Monroe St., Rockville, MD 20805
Phone: 240-777-5334
Description: The Mission of the Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice is to reduce and eliminate racial disparities and inequities in Montgomery County.
MPIA Contact: Tiffany Ward , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Robin Riley, Director
Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 10th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Phone: 240-777-6800
Description: The Department of Recreation provides recreational, social, cultural, and physical programs to the community. The following programs are provided by the department: aquatics, camps and playgrounds, classes, community recreation centers, senior adult programs, special events, sports, and teen and therapeutic recreation.
MPIA Contact: Monika Hammer , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Peter Fosselman, Director
Address: 4805 Edgemoor Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: 240-777-8200
Description: Serving the neighborhoods of Bethesda, Cabin John, Friendship Heights, Chevy Chase, Garrett Park, Glen Echo, North Bethesda, Potomac and Rockville
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Jewru Bandeh, Director
Address: 3300 Briggs Chaney Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904
Phone: 240-777-8414
Description: The Eastern Montgomery Regional Services Center links Montgomery County Services with 111,250 citizens and businesses in a 47.5 square mile area that includes Burtonsville, Colesville, Cloverly, Fairland, and White Oak communities
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Luisa Cardona, Director
Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 2nd Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Phone: 240-777-8100
Description: The Mid-County Service Center links the 220,000 citizens and businesses located in the Aspen Hill, Forest Glen, Kemp Mill, Kensington, Olney, Upper Rock Creek, and Wheaton Planning Areas with the Montgomery County Maryland governmental Departments and Agencies.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Jacob Newman, Director
Address: 1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: 240-777-5307
Description: Serving 150,000 residents and employees in the Greater Silver Spring Community
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Ruben Rosario, Director
Address: 12900 Middlebrook Road, Suite 1000, Germantown, MD 20874
Phone: 240-777-8040
Description: The Sidney Kramer Upcounty Regional Services Center consists of the field offices of a variety of agencies serving the 300,000 residents and numerous businesses located in the northern part of Montgomery County. This area includes the communities of Gaithersburg, Germantown, Clarksburg, Damascus, Goshen, Laytonsville, Derwood, North Potomac, Darnestown, Boyds, Montgomery Village, Barnesville, Dickerson, Poolesville, Washington Grove, Beallsville, Hyattstown and Tobytown. The Center is a full-service facility with something for everyone in the community such as health and human service agencies, a workforce development office, the County's Volunteer Center, a day care center, and certain offices of the Montgomery County Public Schools. The Center also offers four meeting rooms that are available for public use. The Center is open five days a week, Monday through Thursday from 7:45 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. and Friday from 7:45 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Gail Roper, Chief Information Officer
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 13 Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-2900
Description: The Department of Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS) assists the County in using information technology where it adds the most value and increases productivity. The Department's efforts also help to deliver information and services to citizens at work, at home, and in the community.
MPIA Contact: Leny Bautista , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Christopher Conklin, Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 10th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-7170
Description: MCDOT’s more than 1,300 outstanding employees are dedicated to achieving the department’s core business of moving people and connecting places. Our Vision: A seamless transportation system for people of all ages, incomes and abilities that supports a vibrant and sustainable community. Our Mission: To move people and connect places with the best transportation choices and services.
MPIA Contact: Brady Goldsmith , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
review department Website:
Jodi Finkelstein, Executive Director
Address: 21 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-8300
Description: The Commission for Women fosters conditions that promote equal participation of women in the benefits, responsibilities, and opportunities of society.
MPIA Contact: Yvette Torres , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website

Judicial Branch Offices

Robert A. Greenberg, Administrative Judge
Address: 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-9180
Description: The Circuit Court's primary function is adjudication of criminal and civil cases. The Court conducts hearings, court trials, and jury trials for civil, criminal, and support cases and provides public information services for criminal and civil case loads. The following activities support this program: case assignment, adjudication, jury administration, domestic relations, adjudication of child support enforcement cases, technical services, administration, custody and investigations, a law library, and the Trust Office. Other functions of the Circuit Court include mediation services and a video courtroom. Mediation services, staffed by volunteers, are provided by the Court as an avenue for settling disputes. Three types of mediation are available to the Court: Mandatory Mediation when required by a judge; To Be Assigned (TBA) Mediation uses Bar Association volunteers to mediate cases awaiting Court trials; and Domestic Mediation which uses masters or attorneys to mediate certain dome
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Markesha Gross, Administrative Clerk
Address: 191 East Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301-563-8800
Description: Both Montgomery County locations - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday except legal holidays. TTY users call Maryland RELAY: 711
MPIA Contact: Karen Bushell , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Joseph Griffin, Director
Address: 50 Maryland Ave, Room 322, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-9600
Description: The Register of Wills is responsible for appointing personal representatives to administer decedents’ estates and for overseeing the proper and timely administration of these proceedings. We also perform the following duties: assist and advise the public in the preparation of all required forms; maintain and preserve the permanent record of all proceedings; serve as the Clerk to the Orphans’ Court; track estates and refer delinquent matters to the Court; determine and collect inheritance taxes and probate fees/court costs; audit accounts of personal representatives and guardians; mail various notices and court orders to interested persons; and, verify compliance with court orders. For further information, please contact the Register in the county (jurisdiction) where the decedent resided at the time of death.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Maxwell C. Uy, Sheriff
Address: 50 Maryland Avenue, 447, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-7000
Description: The Sheriff’s Office serves the Circuit and District Courts in the conduct of judicial affairs. The Office provides transport and custody of prisoners and provides a safe environment for the daily operations of judicial activities, employees, and visitors in the courthouse.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
John McCarthy, Director
Address: 50 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-7300
Description: The State’s Attorney’s Office is a constitutionally created independent agency. Our mission is to serve the public interest through fair and honest administration of justice by exercising responsibilities to: prosecute criminal violations in Montgomery county; educate the public to criminal justice issues; provide training to lawyers for future service; address inequality and promote fairness in the criminal justice system; insure access to the criminal justice system; promote professional relations with judges and attorneys; and further the efficient use of criminal justice resources.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website

County Agencies

Chelsea J Andrews, Executive Director
Address: 10400 Detrick Avenue, Kensington, MD 29895
Phone: 240-627-9400
Description: The Housing Opportunities Commission makes housing available to eligible families of low and moderate income and provides necessary support services to encourage resident self-sufficiency. The County provides funding for the Commission to acquire Moderately Priced Dwelling Units for rental to lower-income families; maintain community norms and relationships between homeowner associations and public housing residents; provide counseling and support services to low-income individuals and families in assisted housing; and provide information on available housing programs.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Michael L Higgs Jr., Director
Address: 301 W. Preston St., 801, Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 410-767-1184
Description: In Maryland the valuation of all real and personal property for purposes of property taxation is a function of State government. The Director of Assessments and Taxation, appointed by the Governor, administers and enforces the property assessment and property tax laws of Maryland. This organizational structure allows for uniformity of property assessment throughout the State.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Address: 51 Mannakee Street, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-567-5000
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Thomas W. Taylor, Superintendent
Address: 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-740-3000
Description: To provide a high-quality, world-class education that ensures success for every student through excellence in teaching and learning
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Keith Miller, Executive Director
Address: 101 Monroe Street, Suite 410,, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301)762-9080
Description: The Montgomery County Revenue Authority, created in 1957, is an instrumentality of Montgomery County, Maryland and a public corporation. The two primary activities of the Revenue Authority are to operate self-supporting facilities and to finance public facilities. On the operations side, the Revenue Authority manages Montgomery County Golf, comprised of nine golf courses, and the Montgomery County Airpark. On the public financing side, the Revenue Authority issues bonds to raise capital, to acquire land or other property, or to pay construction costs and has supported important public purposes as far reaching as education, transportation, human services, economic development, recreation, and the arts.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Miti Figueredo, Director
Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 12th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Phone: 301-495-2595
Description: Protect and interpret our valuable natural and cultural resources; balance the demand for recreation with the need for conservation; offer a variety of enjoyable recreational activities that encourage healthy lifestyles; and provide clean, safe, and accessible places for leisure-time activities.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Jason K. Sartori, Planning Director
Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 14th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Phone: (301) 495-4500
Description: The Planning Department creates great communities by developing master plans, reviewing applications for development and analyzing various types of information to help public officials plan for Montgomery County's future.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Artie Harris, Chair
Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 14th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Phone: 301-495-4605
Description: The Montgomery County Planning Board plans for livable communities by developing large and small scale plans, providing guidelines for the pattern and pace of future development and preserving historic resources throughout the 323,000-acre county. The Planning Board implements plans through its review of development applications and its subdivision decisions. The Board is also responsible for the development and management of Montgomery County's nationally recognized 32,900-acre park system. The Montgomery County Planning Board, together with the Prince George's County Planning Board, comprise The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Julie M. Greene-Crist, Administrator
Address: 51 Monroe Street, Suite 201, Suite 201, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301-279-8333
Description: Property owners sometimes feel that the department's estimate of their property value is wrong. The assessment appeal process is available to allow property owners the opportunity to dispute the value determined by the department. Property values rise and fall to reflect the market. A property owner should file an appeal when they believe that their property is not valued at its current market value. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Kishia L. Powell, General Manager
Address: 14501 Sweitzer Lane, Laural, MD 20707
Phone: 301-206-9772
Description: Established in 1918, today WSSC is among the largest water and wastewater utilities in the nation, with a network of nearly 5,600 miles of fresh water pipeline and more than 5,400 miles of sewer pipeline. Our service area spans nearly 1,000 square miles in Prince George’s and Montgomery counties serving 1.8 million residents through approximately 460,000 customer accounts. WSSC drinking water has always met or exceeded federal standards.
MPIA Contact: , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website

Legislative Branch Offices

Barbara Jay, Executive Director to the Board
Address: 100 Maryland Avenue, Room 217, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-6600
Description: The Board of Appeals hears requests for variances from the development standards and requests for modifications to existing special exceptions, as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. The Board also holds show cause proceedings for the enforcement of special exception conditions in accordance with the provisions in the Zoning Ordinance. The Board has the discretion to hear oral argument when requested in conditional use cases, and decides those cases in which oral argument is requested regardless of whether argument is granted. Finally, the Board holds public hearings and rules on appeals from administrative actions of certain governmental departments and agencies.
MPIA Contact: Barbara Jay , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Kate Stewart, County Council President
Address: 100 Maryland Avenue, 6th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-7900
Description: The Montgomery County Council is the legislative branch of the County Government. It has eleven members, all elected at the same time by the voters of Montgomery County for four-year terms. Craig Howard, Executive Director.
MPIA Contact: Christine Wellons , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Edward Haenftling, Jr., Executive Director
Address: 100 Maryland Avenue, 113, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-6620
Description: The Merit System Protection Board oversees the merit system and protects employee and job applicant rights guaranteed under the merit system law.
MPIA Contact: Edward Haenftling, Jr. , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Chris Cihlar, Director
Address: 100 Maryland Avenue, 4th floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-7814
Description: The Office of Legislative Oversight determines the effectiveness of legislation enacted by the County Council and makes findings and recommendations concerning the performance, management, and operation of programs and functions for which funds are appropriated or approved by the Council.
MPIA Contact: Chris Cihlar , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Megan Davey Limarzi, Director
Address: 51 Monroe Street, 802, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-8240
Description: The Office of Inspector General reviews the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and operations of County government and independent County agencies. The Office is also responsible for preventing and detecting fraud, waste, and abuse in government activities. In addition, it proposes ways to increase the legal, fiscal, and ethical accountability of County government departments and County-funded agencies.
MPIA Contact: Maureen Harzinski , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website
Kathleen E. Byrne, Director
Address: 100 Maryland Avenue, Room 200, Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 240-777-6660
Description: The Office of Zoning and Administrative Hearings (OZAH) provides a hearing process for land use and other administrative matters that protects the due process rights of the participants as well as the public interest.
MPIA Contact: Sara Behanna , | MPIA Web Link
Department Contact: Website