ROCKVILLE, Md., May 26, 2022—Today the Montgomery County Council voted unanimously to approve the County’s $6.3 billion Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Operating Budget and a $5.3 billion FY23-28 Capital Budget to fund school construction, infrastructure improvements and community projects. The Council’s budget deliberations this year were focused on increasing Montgomery County’s ongoing investments in education, expanding access to health and human services, generating and preserving affordable housing and reinforcing ongoing pandemic recovery efforts. These priorities were funded, while keeping the effective property tax rate flat and providing more competitive salaries for Montgomery County employees who continue to be on the frontlines of COVID-19 recovery efforts. Moreover, the Council ensured that resources were maintained to honor the County’s long-term commitment to its retired employees and to fully fund the County’s reserves. “Montgomery County’s $6.3 billion operating budget and six-year capital budget create the foundation for what is most important to us: a community with excellent schools, housing for all our residents, strong economic development, green spaces for recreation and relaxation, safe neighborhoods, robust libraries, strong public health services, resources for older adults to age in place with grace, a healthy environment and an essential safety net for our most vulnerable residents,” said Council President Gabe Albornoz. “Every budget brings its own set of challenges and opportunities,” Albornoz noted. “This budget is among the strongest I can remember. Thanks to the support of federal and state partners, and an economic recovery that was stronger than anticipated, we had more resources to work with than we imagined possible at the beginning of the pandemic. In fact, over the last year, we have been working more closely with our state and local leaders to identify ways to help our community thrive, and they have come through for us on so many levels.” Council President Gabe Albornoz, Vice President Evan Glass and Councilmembers Andrew Friedson, Tom Hucker, Will Jawando, Sidney Katz, Nancy Navarro, Craig Rice and Hans Riemer all voted to approve the capital and operating budgets. The capital and operating budgets go into effect on July 1. Council President Gabe Albornoz’s budget statement can be read here and a video clip of his remarks can be found here. FY23-28 Capital Improvements Program The Council appropriated $5.3 billion in capital funding to address the County’s most urgent building needs including $1.7 billion for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) for school construction, which keeps all major school construction projects in the six-year capital budget. In the MCPS capital budget, funding is provided for eight major high school projects. The capital budget also adds two new elementary school projects for Burtonsville Elementary School and the Greencastle Elementary School addition. Planning funds are also included for major capital projects at Piney Branch Elementary School and Eastern Middle School. Moreover, the CIP includes $26 million in funds in fiscal years (FY) 2023 and 2024 for the High School Wellness Center Project, which will establish wellness services in every public high school across Montgomery County. Funding was also provided for MCPS’ systemic projects to address aging infrastructure. In addition, cost increases were included for major capital projects at Wootton and Magruder High Schools. The capital budget provides $333.9 million to Montgomery College for capital and information technology projects and includes funding to complete the construction of the Catherine and Isiah Leggett Math and Science Building on the Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus. The budget also anticipates a fourth Montgomery College Campus in East County with planning starting in FY24, as well as the start of design and construction for the Germantown Student Services Center. The capital budget provides a total of $157 million for the Affordable Housing Acquisition and Preservation Project in the FY23-28 period, as well as $6 million for the Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund in FY23 to support the development and preservation of affordable housing across the County. Moreover, the capital budget provides $40 million for the Preservation of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) Project to preserve existing affordable housing in high-growth, transit-oriented corridors from rising rents. The capital budget also includes funding for many community projects such as the following: the construction of a new library in Clarksburg; the development of a Restoration Center to provide Behavioral Health Services to those who are experiencing mental health or substance abuse crises; childcare facility and playground construction and renovations to meet Americans with Disability Act requirements; the completion of the South County Regional Recreation and Aquatic Center in FY23; a new NetZero project for design and construction to improve energy efficiency at the Holiday Park Senior Center; continuing the second phase of the South Germantown Cricket Field; funding for renovations at Wheaton Regional Park; and much more. Some of the transportation projects in the CIP include the following: construction of the White Flint Western Workaround Road Project in FY23 and improving the walkability of this area; continuing the design, land acquisition and construction of MD 355 and Veirs Mill Road Bus Rapid Transit; continuing planning for the New Hampshire Avenue Bus Rapid Transit Corridor and the North Bethesda Transitway; continuing design and construction of the Great Seneca Science Corridor Transit Improvements; replacing 29 diesel-powered Ride On buses with zero emission electric buses to achieve full capacity of 70 electric buses at the Silver Spring Bus Depot solar microgrid; constructing a mezzanine for the south entrance of the Bethesda Metrorail Station in coordination with the Purple Line Project; funding for the Capital Crescent Trail Tunnel to begin construction in 2026; maintaining funding for the design, land acquisition and construction of Observation Drive Extended to connect north Germantown and Clarksburg; and much more. FY23 Operating Budget The FY23 Operating Budget continues the County’s strong and steadfast commitment to education and includes funding to enhance health and human services, expand affordable housing and reinforce the County’s ongoing pandemic recovery efforts. The budget also provides for salary increases for Montgomery County employees and honors long-term obligations to the County’s retirees, while maintaining the County’s reserve funding. In addition, the budget ensures that Montgomery County continues to rank near the top of all Maryland jurisdictions for local per pupil funding for MCPS. In FY23, $2.9 billion, almost half of the County’s budget, is allocated to the school system. The budget also exceeds Montgomery College’s original request at $321.8 million and provides resources to maintain tuition rates. The Council voted to keep the County’s effective property tax rates flat and to provide a property tax credit of $692 for homeowners. The budget also meets the FY23 target for the County’s reserve, which is 10 percent of adjusted governmental revenues and provides $70 million in additional pre-funding for Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), while rejecting the County Executive’s proposal to draw down $20 million from the OPEB Trust prior to adopting a policy governing such withdrawals. OPEB funding is used to cover life insurance, health insurance and deferred compensation for retirees. Funding these long-term fiscal obligations helps the County retain its triple-A bond rating. This rating enables the County to sell long-term bonds at favorable rates, saving County taxpayers millions of dollars over the life of the bonds. The rating also serves as a benchmark for numerous other financial transactions, ensuring the lowest possible costs with those transactions. Details on key areas of the FY23 Operating Budget are below. Montgomery County Public Schools Almost half of the County’s total budget, or $2.9 billion, funds MCPS and is an increase of five percent from the FY22 Operating Budget. The local County contribution of $1.84 billion funds the school system at approximately $86 million above the state mandated funding level. This also represents a five percent increase from the FY22 approved local contribution amount. The total appropriation reflects a reappropriation of $35 million in fund balance. The Council approved more than $863.7 million in state aid for MCPS, which is approximately $41.5 million more than last year and includes $38.8 million for the first official year of the 10-year Blueprint for Maryland's Future funding period. In addition to the FY23 Operating Budget, the Council has appropriated more than $420 million in federal relief funding since the beginning of the pandemic, much of which is available through FY24. MCPS will continue to use these federal relief funds to support key school system recovery priorities. The Montgomery County Board of Education estimates that 161,035 students will attend MCPS in FY23 which is an increase of 3,003 students from the 158,232 students officially enrolled as of Sept. 30, 2021. During the Council's budget deliberations, MCPS Board of Education President Brenda Wolff and Interim Superintendent Dr. Monifa B. McKnight explained the tremendous impact that the global health pandemic has had on students, teachers, school staff and administrative staff. They committed to using FY23 funding to maintain the operational and instructional infrastructure of the school system and to continue the focus on excellence and equity throughout these unprecedented times. Montgomery College The Council exceeded Montgomery College’s operating budget funding request at $321.8 million, which is $2.5 million more than what’s required under state law. The Council also added $500,000 dollars in funding to support the East County Education Center. This funding will enable the College to add scholarships for students, increase salaries and add 10.5 positions for the East County Education Center, which will begin the College’s efforts to expand access and eventually launch the East County Campus. The College’s goal is to begin providing classes soon after physical space is leased. The operating budget funding also enables Montgomery College to hold the line on tuition. For the third consecutive year, there will be no per-credit-hour increase in tuition rates for students. Public Safety The Council funded a budget of more than $296 million for the Montgomery County Police Department. This is a 4.5 percent increase compared to last year’s budget. The Council increased the department’s Cadet Program from 12 to 25 cadets. The police budget also includes 24 new positions, all but three of which are civilian. These include staff in the Emergency Communications Center, two sergeants for random body worn camera (BWC) video reviews, one police officer and one administrative specialist for recruitment, two civilian positions to assist with Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) requests, one information technology specialist for BWC redaction and MPIA requests and two crossing guards for the new elementary school in Gaithersburg. In addition, to continue to support public safety employees and assist departments with recruitment and retention efforts, the Council unanimously supported collective bargaining agreements and pay raises for County public safety employees, including raises for police officers and first responders. Over $11 million was approved for pay raises for officers in the rank of police officer through sergeant. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, first responders faced increased risks and stresses as they worked on the frontlines to support our community. Raises for public safety employees bring salaries in line with neighboring jurisdictions in the region and will help address attrition, particularly in the County Police Department. The budget also adds 300 body worn cameras to meet the requirements of Council Bill 18-21, 90 replacement mobile video cameras and less lethal protective instruments such as pepper ball guns. In the Sheriff’s Office, the total budget is $26.9 million, which is an increase of $491,806 from last year’s budget. The Sheriff’s Office is budgeted for 10 recruits in FY23 to continue working with landlords and tenants to connect individuals to health and human services programs that help avoid eviction and a replacement of 17 ballistic vests. The budget for the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (DOCR) is $73.4 million. This is an increase of more than $490,000 over the approved FY22 budget. The budget relaunches the Bakery Program that provides skilled training to inmates, adds two correctional officer positions to address mail contraband and enhance medical security coverage and includes funding for equipment and facility repairs to support aging facilities. The Fire and Rescue Services’ operating budget is $251.8 million. This is an increase of $18 million or eight percent from last year. The budget includes $150,000 to provide fleet and building maintenance services to the Bethesda Chevy Chase Rescue Squad like what is provided to all other local fire and rescue departments. The budget also includes 33 new positions added to address advanced lifesaving (ALS) deployment, emergency medical services (EMS) capacity, structural deficits and provide fiscal accountability for the new State Emergency Service Transporter Supplemental Payment Program (ESPP). The ESPP will also provide significant annual funding on an ongoing basis, with projected revenues reaching $11 million for FY23. The operating budget provides 15 percent of these funds, which is similar to the Emergency Management Services Transportation (EMST) fees. The Council included $3.8 million in the Emergency Management and Homeland Security budget, including $800,000 for nonprofit security grants for faith-based and community organizations which have experienced or are at higher risk of experiencing hate crimes. Negotiated Agreements The Council funded salary and benefit increases for employees represented by the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), the Municipal and County Government Employees' Organization (MCGEO) and non-represented County government employees. The Council also funded increases in the agreement with the Montgomery County Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association. These increases in FY23 total more than $29.4 million, and this funding is necessary to remain competitive in the post-pandemic job market. Many Montgomery County employees were, and continue to be, on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response efforts and have been stretched thin by ever-increasing demands and attrition rates. County Executive Marc Elrich negotiated pay increases with each bargaining unit including general wage adjustments and increments which were approved by the Council that provide up to: a 13.5 percent increase for FOP members; a 9.3 percent increase for MCGEO members (based on average salary); an 8.5 percent increase for IAFF members; and a 7.3 percent increase for non-represented employees (based on average salary). The County Executive also recommended, and the Council approved, a service increment for eligible MCGEO members who did not receive a service increment during the recession year of FY11. The budget also adds a third longevity increment for FOP and IAFF members. The Council also approved the Executive’s proposed FY23 budget amendment to provide a cumulative 6.5 percent general wage adjustment to the Police Leadership Service. Economic Development The Council approved $4.2 million for the County’s incubators and economic partnerships. Annualized funding totaling $877,000 was included to support minority, women and disabled-owned businesses in Montgomery County. The Council approved $4 million for the County’s Economic Development Fund, which is used to assist private employers who are located, plan to locate or substantially expand operations in the County. The Council funded Visit Montgomery’s $2.1 million budget. Visit Montgomery promotes the County’s hotel and tourism industry, which has been deeply impacted by the pandemic. The Council approved a $1.6 million appropriation for the KID Museum to expand its operations in the County. The KID Museum is a learning space that provides hands-on learning that incorporates STEM, art and culture with skills like creativity and critical thinking. This funding will directly aid the KID Museum, in partnership with MCPS, to address pandemic-related learning loss. The Council continued its support of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) with a $6.2 million appropriation in FY23. MCEDC was integral in partnering with the County on business relief programs during the pandemic, and it is well-positioned to continue facilitating and marketing the County’s ongoing economic recovery in the coming year. The Council supported WorkSource Montgomery, which is the County’s lead workforce development organization, with a $2.17 million appropriation in FY23, including $185,000 for stipends to MCPS students participating in the Summer R.I.S.E. Program. The Council supported expanding WorkSource’s efforts by targeting new resources to support employment and training services for immigrants and for an expanded reentry program – Coding Our Way Home. WorkSource is partnering with the County, the state of Maryland and local businesses and nonprofits to connects residents with jobs during the economic recovery. The Council also supported more than $1 million for the Office of Agriculture (OAG), which includes $25,000 to support the MARBIDCO cost share program, funding for the Ag in the Classroom Program and two new employees—a senior business development specialist and a senior engineer for the Soil Conservation District. This program provides small grants for farm projects in the County. The Council approved additional staff for the OAG in FY23 to expand its efforts with local farmers and meet the County’s commitment to restore the Chesapeake Bay. The Council also approved $475,000 for the Resilient Education for All, Designated for You (READY) Institute proposal with the Universities at Shady Grove (USG). This funding will support a partnership between MCPS, Montgomery College, USG and other County partners to provide data and analysis to plan and build educational pathways that lead to great careers and facilitate a cross-County career readiness network. The goal of this work is to develop human capital to help drive economic development in the County by creating a hub where thought leadership on education equity can thrive. Transportation The Council funded the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) budget at more than $228.6 million. In order to balance affordability and equal access to transportation, Ride On and Call-N-Ride services will be restored to pre-pandemic levels, with a $1 dollar fare cost of most Ride On trips. Additional enhancements in transit delivery will be made following the completion of the Ride On Reimagined Study. Among such changes is the initiation of a zero-emission bus fleet to help reach the County’s Climate Action Plan goals. DOT’s budget adds about $800,000 in grants for local nonprofit organizations that provide transportation services for individuals who are disabled, seniors and individuals with limited incomes. Funding for the Safe Routes to School Program is increased to $525,000. A new item in the budget is a $300,000 study of school bus citations and infrastructure safety, which the County must conduct in response to Maryland House Bill 813. The budget also includes a proposed increase of $810,000 for tree planting, tree removals and stump grinding in the County. In addition, the budget includes $196,800 for bikeshare station maintenance to replace the payment and operational system eco-board machine in 51 of the 90 stations countywide. Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice The Council funded the Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice (ORESJ) at more than $1.2 million which is an increase of 27.4 percent from the FY22 approved budget. Personnel costs comprise more than three quarters of the budget, and funds 7.5 full-time equivalent positions for the ORESJ in FY23, including a new program manager and one part-time administrative specialist to enhance communication and support the development of community engagement plans in all County offices and departments. The additional staffing will support ORESJ in meeting the requirements of the County’s Racial Equity and Social Justice Act, which was authored and spearheaded by Councilmember Navarro, enacted by the full Council and became law with County Executive Elrich’s signature, by enhancing the capacity to train departmental staff and assist with examining policies, processes, procedures and budgetary decisions to address racial and social justice disparities for County residents. Health and Human Services The Council funded more than $421 million for the Department of Health and Human Services, which is an increase of almost 16 percent compared to last year’s budget. The department has been at the center of the County’s COVID-19 response and has increased many services to meet emergency needs. The Council recognized that as COVID-19 federal funds decrease, the County will need to continue to assess and understand the evolving nature of community needs at this stage of the COVID-19 experience and identify future services. Food insecurity continues to be a significant need in the County; therefore, the budget includes more than $1 million for the Food Resiliency Program with the goal of creating a new Office of Food System Resilience (OFSR), as well as $4 million in one-time funding to continue the County’s response to this need. The Council recognized the extraordinary work of the County’s Minority Health Initiatives and programs and tentatively approved more than $12 million in funds to continue their essential and culturally competent work in communities across the County by providing guidance, resources and health care to some of the County’s most vulnerable residents. The Council approved a total of $5.6 million to strengthen and increase funding for the County’s Consolidated Service Hubs and acknowledged the vital importance of the Hubs in the County’s provider network, and the significance of their achievements in implementing and demonstrating a model community-based service approach. This includes restoring $300,000 in funding to continue the Oak Chapel United Ministries Food Hub service. The Council funded multiple initiatives to support the mental health and social services for high school students, including funding to open the wellness center at John F. Kennedy High School at the beginning of the next school year and an increase of $3.7 million for mental health and case management services at ten priority high schools without an existing wellness center. The Council also added $5.5 million to support Councilmember Navarro's proposal to expand mental health, case management and positive youth development services through the Street Outreach Network and community-based services providers to all high schools without an existing high school wellness center program. The Council also funded the budget for Children, Youth and Families at $115.76 million. The budget includes an increase of more than $1 million for the Newcomers Initiative, which serves as a response to the unprecedented increase in the number of unaccompanied migrant children and asylum-seeking families traveling through the southern U.S. border and arriving in Montgomery County. The initiative brings together a network of providers to offer consistent information and access to mental health, legal and social services that address the needs of this population. The budget adds $630,626 for new Linkages to Learning programs at Odessa Shannon Middle School and the new Gaithersburg Elementary School and $311,168 to support the functions of Child Welfare Services. In addition, the Council approved $2.5 million in funds for the Guaranteed Income Non-departmental Account (NDA), which will fund a Guaranteed Income Pilot Program, which was sponsored by Councilmember Jawando and Council President Albornoz, as part of a public-private partnership with the Meyer Foundation. This program will offer a direct, recurring cash payment to a targeted group of residents with the goal of alleviating poverty and improving their livelihoods. The Council also supported the level funding of $10.9 million for the Early Care and Education NDA, which will reach $19.9 million in total funding in FY23 due to unspent funding in FY22 that will be reappropriated to support high-quality early care and education programs. This will include funding for a subsidy seats pilot, SNAP and recreation programs in the summer of 2022, development of a family involvement center at the Gwendolyn E. Coffield Community Recreation Center, development of a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) Fund to support childcare operations and improve sustainability of quality programs and funding for outreach to pediatricians and clinics to increase the screening of young children for developmental disabilities and referrals for services. The Council added $150,000 for the DC Diaper Bank to provide support to organizations that are not part of the County’s Service Consolidation Hub network and $132,000 for Community FarmShare to expand the provision of weekly, fresh produce bags from local farms to the homes of families in need from identified public schools. Community Grants The Council funded the Community Grants NDA and cost-sharing grants as part of the capital budget, totaling more than $11.6 million. This NDA provides one-time grants directly to organizations in the community that provide a network of services in a cost-effective, culturally appropriate and flexible way to supplement the work of County Government by leveraging community resources. As part of this funding, 46 community grants totaling $2.3 million were shifted into the base budgets of departments and received a six percent inflationary increase. Furthermore, the budget also includes three new funding opportunities for nonprofit organizations serving their communities. The application and awarding process will be administered by the new Office of Grants Management in FY23. Affordable Housing The Council continued its ongoing commitment to generating and preserving affordable housing. The Council allocated more than $49 million in capital and operating funds to support the production and preservation of affordable housing through the Housing Initiative Fund (HIF). This is a 13.8 percent increase from last year’s budget. The HIF provides funds to finance the production, acquisition and preservation of affordable housing and rental assistance programs for low-income households and for households moving from homelessness to permanent housing. Included in the budget is $19.5 million in funding for the County’s rental assistance programs, which is an increase of $4.7 million, or 32 percent, compared to last year’s approved budget. The increase is funded entirely by higher recordation taxes through the HIF. The Home Ownership Assistance Program (HAP) totaling $4 million includes $3 million to support the Housing Opportunities Commission and the State Homeowner Assistance Programs and $1 million for the two-year employee home ownership pilot project. The Council approved the Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund as part of the FY23-28 CIP, including approving $6 million in spending for FY23. The funding will address the urgent challenge of affordable housing preservation and development in areas at risk of rent escalation, including along the Purple Line Corridor and other County transit corridors. In addition, the Council voted unanimously to approve an additional $50 million of County-backed debt financing for the Housing Opportunities Commission’s managed Housing Production Fund (HPF), which creates a $100 million revolving fund to support the financing of new affordable housing units in the County by increasing the debt service from the HIF by $4 million and recognizing an additional $2.5 million in revenue from HPF loans to projects. The Council also voted to approve recommended amendments from the County Executive to add $25 million for the Affordable Housing Acquisition and Preservation CIP in FY24-26, as well as the requested $6 million in FY23 for the Affordable Housing Opportunity Fund. Moreover, the Council voted unanimously to approve the request to create a new $40 million Preservation of Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) Fund. The Council also requested regular reports on the use of the fund and that the County Executive explore options to ultimately establish a $100 million preservation fund. Recreation The Council funded total expenditures of $55.1 million for the Department of Recreation. This is a significant increase compared to last year’s budget, at 13 percent. The budget adds funding to continue services started in response to the COVID-19 pandemic including $322,000 for senior adult programming and an additional $2.2 million for youth Out-of-School Time (OST) programming. The budget also provides $300,000 to continue Bienvenidos Newcomers Initiative services. The Council approved the following services enhancements: $2.3 million for the South County Regional Recreation and Aquatic Center, which is scheduled to open mid-year; $667,564 to add two Excel Beyond the Bell (EBB) elementary sites; and $341,025 for additional RecZone programs at two high schools. The Council also added funding for the following items: $40,000 for parent engagement programming for new or recently added EBB elementary sites; $250,000 to support the continuation of PLAYMontgomery, an initiative to address increased disparities and access to youth sports for historically marginalized groups; $250,000 to support the implementation of Girls Sports Leagues; and $200,000 to expand afterschool KID Museum programs in eight schools. Libraries The Council funded $45.9 million for the Montgomery County Public Libraries' (MCPL) budget, which is an increase of 7.4 percent compared to the FY22 Operating Budget and includes $900,000 to reduce wait times of its electronic book collection. During the pandemic, MCPL played a critical role in providing virtual and physical resources for residents, including organizing the distribution of COVID-19 at-home test kits and N95 masks. Highlights of MCPL’s projects include the renovation and rehabilitation of the historic Noyes Library for Young Children, which is one of only a few dedicated, free-standing children’s libraries in the nation focused on early learning and literacy, and the Chevy Chase Library capital project, which was originally slated as a refresh project. The Council will revisit the Chevy Chase Library project in the fall to find opportunities to build a new library for Chevy Chase residents while also considering proposals for the creation of affordable housing in a mixed-use development at the library location. Environment The Council supported the $7.5 million operating budget for the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) General Fund, which is a 116 percent increase from last year's approved budget to expand the County’s climate change related efforts. The increase will staff new positions to focus on the implementation of the new Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) law, residential energy programs, the High Road Economic Development implementation and a new County program to address flooding issues. The budget also includes an incentive program for the electrification of new appliances and building systems, an efficiency and Climate Resiliency pilot program for low- and moderate- income housing, funding for a Community Justice Academy and incentives for the electrification of lawn care equipment. The Council also approved funding for the Montgomery County Green Bank, which is the most ambitious climate investment in the County’s history, with more than $18.6 million leveraged in current dollars growing to $100 million in the future. Per Bill 44-21, the Green Bank is set to receive 10 percent of the energy tax revenue annually to fund its operations and financial products. The Council funded $142.6 million for the Recycling and Resource Management portion of the DEP budget. This is a $7.3 million, or a five percent, increase from last year’s approved budget. The budget includes a “Save as you Throw” pilot program and continuation and expansion of a residential food waste curbside collection pilot program. The Council also funded $31 million for the Water Quality Protection Fund (WQPF). This fund covers County costs associated with water quality and the inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation of stormwater management facilities. Watershed grants were increased by $80,000 and the RainScapes Program was increased by more than $100,000 to provide more staff support and grants. In addition, the Council included $691,000 in funding for the Climate Change Planning NDA. This NDA includes support for equitable community outreach, continued implementation of Community Choice Energy, BEPS support, urban heat mapping efforts, strategic planning for EV charging and clean energy development, climate communications and public engagement, paid climate fellows and interns, agrivoltaic project support and consultant support for buildings codes and solar efforts within the Department of Permitting Services. Park and Planning The Council funded $160.4 million for the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), including debt service which is a 6.9 percent increase from last year’s approved budget. This includes compensation adjustments, program enhancements, operating commitments following cost or inflationary increases, an increase to the Parks-National Pollution Discharge Elimination System and assorted operating budget impacts of capital projects. Funding for critical needs projects is also included in this budget, such as the Silver Spring Communities Plan, the Clarksburg Master Plan Amendment, the Life Sciences/Great Seneca Science Corridor Plan Amendment Phase 2 and the Friendship Heights Urban Design Study. It also includes increased funds for supplies and materials to support hard surface trail renovations, tennis and basketball court maintenance, as well as athletic field maintenance. Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission The Montgomery and Prince George’s County Councils held their bi-county meeting and reached a budget agreement for the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC). The Council approved an FY23 Operating Budget of $864.6 million, which is a $12.5 million or 1.5 percent increase from the FY22 Approved Operating Budget. This includes a proposed 6.5 percent increase in the volumetric rate and increases in the Account Maintenance Fee and Infrastructure Investment Fee. # # # Graphics for the Montgomery County FY23 Operating Budget and FY23-28 Capital Improvements Program can be found below.   |