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Statement from County Executive Marc Elrich on Labor Day

For Immediate Release: Monday 5 September

"Labor Day celebrates the incredible contributions labor unions and everyday Americans have made to our Country, promoting fair wages and safe workplaces. Strong unions are the key to a thriving middle class, and I am proud to lead a government that recognizes daily the importance of unions and their members in improving the lives of every County resident.

Labor unions are the only way that workers can have a level, fair playing field. Big accomplishments like eight-hour workdays, 40-hour work weeks, healthcare benefits, pensions, Social Security, job security, protection from arbitrary decisions and ending child labor only happened because of unions and the struggles they engaged in over decades. The rights we enjoy today were not given to people; corporations didn't suddenly get enlightened and embrace these changes. These were fought for and won in battles that were often bloody and workers lost their lives at times to secure those rights. And now public support for unions has just reached its highest point since 1965 – more and more people are recognizing their importance and value. On Labor Day we celebrate the dedication to building a society where more people share in the wealth created by their labor. Happy Labor Day to all."

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Release ID: 22-024